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Tell me What's so bad about FreeMaxB?

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It's truly pathetic how some strags can't handle the fact that ordinary people have no interest in witnessing or hearing dogmastersimp whine about his feeble emotions or his pathetic struggle with upvote counts. Don't delude yourself into thinking that regulars come here for therapeutic healing. I'm bidding farewell for good this time and won't even bother lurking. It's an absolute disgrace and disrespect towards those of us who have invested tremendous effort and energy into this site, just to have it sabotaged by weak ass cute twinks because they can't view blade sitting or geezer yelling in his living room daily anymore.

But hey, pcm is completely loves dogmasterstraghomoweirdo, and most of us probably wish that his furry companion gets flattened by a mega-truck or that the Chinese start devouring baby penguin meat as their new favorite delicacy.

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Splash Mountain Gracebudd Butthole Pics (NSFW)

It's time. You did your best. You tried keeping the IP2 brand alive, Granted we own the brand now it's ours again. And all they managed to do in return was decide what is seen and not seen. Putting every letter you type under a microscope. They have accused this community of so many things. and it was all lies and defection from them actually doing those things. Little by little I hope you are seeing what is happening over there. Our community is small. But everyone lurking is welcome here. It may seem like we are a cliquish group, it only appears that way because we are so small. And do have a long history together. Believe me we all take pride in who we are, and would gladly let you in on our lore if you ask without making you feel like a newstrag, maybe some of the events and names will change to protect the guilty but it is what it is.

But we have never not welcomed a new member and made sure they knew right away everyone including the moderators (maybe not me) are equal. There are a few very talented shit posters and meme makers still putting out amazing work. You deserve to posting with the best, your talent is being wasted over there. We appreciate great posts.

Stop lurking, sign up. Believe me, I understand people don't like people it's impossible to be universally loved. Even though I feel that way in my head. But use an Alt, and be cool. We really don't play detective here either, we just don't give that big of a fuck about that, Rentfree was here for like a month before I knew it was him and he was trolling me a little bit lol. Things aren't taken that seriously here. We are not the moderation police. Bring your talent over to us, whatever that talent is.

We can fix this community. Me and Coggles spoke about that a few times. We just refused to bend on what site we should do it on. We earned it, and you deserve it. We were both very protective over our sites. And look what those scumbags did to him.

Except for Yassin, If you come back, we will make you cry again until we see you back on old P2 complaining about us. Same for you Bumblekitty serious, stay there. This is a prettyandy board.

Sperg Out Already
Best sandwich you ever had?

Need ideaz for new sandwiches

logicaloperator on suicde watch