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Should I go live

No clue what this site even is but damn that man is triggered 😳 😂

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Splash Mountain Gracebudd Butthole Pics (NSFW)
What is this shit???

I get more views than half the people on your live list..... with 3 or 4 of them never going IRL.... and yet I'm still not good enough to be on the list?? And I promote this fkn biased website!! I say good riddance!!

LORE ALERT: 'Braxton" aka feelingsaresurreal is a pedophile EU sexpat former IP2 mod named Feelingsarereal who stepped down in protest when they removed the CP super spreading wookie as mod.

ip2 always wins fk you pcmemes

im sure i do not need to elaborate

It makes you wonder.....

For all the demented, sick ass shit that literally crosses the moral border that you people support you would think I would get notoriety for being people confuse the fuck out of me!

Reported by:
  • AnonTHEGOD: Who? We dont know this guy? Is he a streamer, why havent you shown boobs?
  • PopPillzHearVoices: ^she did show titty nipples, they weren't that great tbh
Big gay drives drunk

Brags about driving drunk

Pedophiles that killed PC Memes:
Reported by:

scuffed justin carrey, scuffed jim carrey


Reported by:
  • 0bese: permaban on sight


scuffed justin carrey, scuffed jim carrey, sjc

SJC's response ![](

Another reason SJC needs to quit streaming and talking shit on the internet for his own good

Yeah I just can't post here anymore.

Again the slander no ability to block people who have been given an excess amount of privlege to spam me with ban and flairlocks. All because I'm a streamer. This is why this site is dead. I cant spend 7 hours a day debunking, addressing, esponding and replying to made up fabricated lies about me. The fun is gone.

Too exhausting and it's just not worth it anymore. Especially since Obese is phasing out of here it seems. Like the place which is why I'm making/made attempts to stay here

@K Have roach message me on IG when the site has zero again and I'm able to block obsessive little cute twinks from killing my vibe.

I think this is deserved of bullying. He's trying to steal Spideyturan's shtick. Unaustralian

Should I go live




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