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Moderators, can we get a monthly sticky that says something like "Have you ever thought about trying IRL Streaming out? PCMEMES will support you and get you started. reply below"

Or something similar to it

we could help with all kinds of shit for beginners:

guiding them through Prismlive,

getting their youtube channel setup to stream,

channel feedback, general advice on dealing with chat

bluetooth speaker issues and recommendations

donation methods

hell, we could even make their channel art if necessary

etc etc

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I think we should also poach the "Ip2" streamers that are just done with the bullshit, no matter how small or large they are. A lot of them are looking at their analytics and see it's not worth the abuse they get to shout out a board of people that don't appreciate anything and all they do is see negative shit. If we could get Goo Cheese that would be a huge W and start the poach ball rolling.

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idk about all that. I'm mainly talking about poaching fellow viewers, posters or snipers here.

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I think you hit the nail on the head calling my ego out, maybe I am getting a little "Leonidas" over this "Give them nothing and take from them everything" Just know I am thinking for the greater good of the site and not myself, and some times I get a little over enthusiastic when the subject gets mentioned. Kippy is Gay.

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you are on to something here, disavow the cord too - this is the way

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