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I'm ending this as of today and won't be mentioning him again. Try and do something with your 10 viewers, maybe get 1 clip in your entire life.

Movie night suggestion post.

Most likely will not be this weekend unless people press me about it. Not my fault if your movie isnt in the poll. Post ur shit.


It makes you wonder.....

For all the demented, sick ass shit that literally crosses the moral border that you people support you would think I would get notoriety for being people confuse the fuck out of me!

is this a gazebo?
The NEW Circle of Trust

what happened to the clip of brandon que getting attacked with an ax?

Deleting my account tonight.

Just to make it clear the only reason I entertained that dork Tokyo Trump was to draw up heat for a boxing match in which I would knock him out. Would have drawed lots of viewers and content. Since he made it clear as day he is just a pussy who is too terrified to even take a call from me on stream, like PopPillz said it's become boring as there is no payoff and will be no pay off (because he's too scared). He's just a sad boring loser who flys cross country to get friendzoned. I'm ending this as of today and won't be mentioning him again. Try and do something with your 10 viewers, maybe get 1 clip in your entire life.

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it honestly took me like 20 minutes to even remember the url but i dont get that