
10003471 coins 7160 marseybux 3 followers follows 0 users joined 2022 May 04

Based Count: 4

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Awards received

x27 x49 x11 x8 x3 x3 x2 x1 x7 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x26 x17 x1 x4 x5 x5 x2 x1 x5

User ID: 2233

Coins spent: 110763

True score: 6725

Winnings: -700

5 / 952 hats owned (0.5%)

INFECTED OwOified Little Big Spender Verified Big Spender Benefactor All-Seeing Eye 1 Year Old 🥰
10003471 coins 7160 marseybux 3 followers follows 0 users
Based count: 4
joined 2022 May 04

Awards received

x27 x49 x11 x8 x3 x3 x2 x1 x7 x1 x1 x1 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x26 x17 x1 x4 x5 x5 x2 x1 x5
INFECTED OwOified Little Big Spender Verified Big Spender Benefactor All-Seeing Eye 1 Year Old 🥰

User ID: 2233

Coins spent: 110763

True score: 6725

Winnings: -700

5 / 952 hats owned (0.5%)

82 BIPOCbrains
I wonder who this could be

there will never be any more content like what we were used to, the ip2 jannies have successfully created their own discord safe space by banning anyone who points out the obvious fact that ip2 has been dead for years, none of the streamers are even worth the effort of clicking onto their stream, and braxton is still a little BIPOC with bitch tits

current state of Ipodcast2
merry christmas you BIPOCs