
3369 coins 0 marseybux 5 followers follows 3 users joined 2021 October 29

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1 Year Old 🥰
3369 coins 0 marseybux 5 followers follows 3 users
Based count: 7
joined 2021 October 29

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1 Year Old 🥰

User ID: 1584

Coins spent: 0

True score: 2262

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Swell up hype


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Hahahaha quality

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LOL Quality

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BCS is great too, on par or just slightly less enjoyable than BB for me. Can't wait for season 6.

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OG meme. Someone made an edit like this for SS and Atilla but I can't find it.


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Trailer Park Boys is really degenerate like IP2 you'll definitely like it.

OMFG I see it now. I remember Bobby's children were trying to contact the dead mother earlier on in the episode too, holy shit.

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Oml that BB episode is so badass. My personal autism show is Trailer Park Boys, idek how many times I've rewatched it.

I seriously never expected an Italian gangster show to have that much depth, it's insane. I legit watched that sopranos episode yesterday, what am I not picking up on from this clip?

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Lmao that is wild, straight out of a fever dream.

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Breaking Bad gets better and better with each season, the 5th is kino. So jealous your getting it to watch it for the first time.

I've heard the sopranos gets better when u rewatch it, you pick up on more details or some shit. Narcos is also a must watch, you'll love it.

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I see where ur coming from, they are quite different. I've heard Bryan Cranston even say Breaking Bad wouldn't exist without The Sopranos, that's what got me to watch the show actually.

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LMAO, the actual AOT show has been on my watch list for a while now. My weeabo friends recommended it since I find it really hard to get into animes, but I've seen Death Note which is real good.

Honestly I feel the same about The Sopranos, idk how it took me so long to start it. Awesome show. Breaking Bad's still better imo tho.

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I lost all interest in streaming after RV7 ended, although Cheetos streams are quite enjoyable, they scratch the itch for Sanchez and Speedy style IRL, but still hit or miss, and Cheeto can be annoying.

Same here, been bingeing The Sopranos for a while now, instead of shitv8.

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We'll always have periods of content droughts and shitty streamers, but we always have and will recover. No need to be so dramatic and nuke your account, take a break and come back when there's content. I personally haven't watched more than an hour of any stream in weeks but I stay for the memes and clips.

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Team Zobain

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Internet Poseidon

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Personal blog Andy, idgaf what drugs you decided to do this weekend. Good riddance.

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She wants the chilito

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I'm the only real person here. Blade_Bot has achieved AI singularity status and hijacked all your accounts.


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