
🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user joined 2021 October 29

Based Count: 15

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

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User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
Based count: 15
joined 2021 October 29

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

Awards received

x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

Moderator of

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

I was around for all of SaidIt but I guess because I wasn’t a mopBIPOC I don’t still have a sticky note with arbitrary rules to make a gay :marseytrain: and a bunch of poojeets happy stuck to the side of my $45 Costco monitor.

Go live and show us how you beat Sherwin. We all know you’re his mom.

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What’s rule 3? Explain.

I know you have nothing better to do since you’re living off my tax dollars Zobesity

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So you’re just gonna let these retarded BIPOCjews treat us like a bunch of truckers with loud honks? They can block us just because it’s interrupting their peace before they go work at some cute twink coffee shop making us cum-accinos?

You’re a Trudeau supporter through and through.

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I paid a billion to be unblockable and you’re gonna give me the McDonalds coupon treatment

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I’m actually pissed right now, give me my fucking unblockable shit back you commie fucktoys

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0 minus 0 is still 0

This is a really gay stalemate don’t lie BIPOC you meant 1 time more than me

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Zobesity’s old best friend. Whatever happened to ATJ. Lost all his money subscribing to IP2 girls only fans and necked

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How many times have you masturbated to this?

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Can’t be a BIPOC without being black.

You’d be better off saying “what if I’m all three?”

Because you can be a drug addict without being black, but can’t be black without being a drug addicted BIPOC.

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I don’t think you’re a drug addict, I think you’re a BIPOC.

If you can’t make the connection, you’re probably black.

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You voted for Zelensjewish chad

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Digging through my post history like it was Sherwin’s mom’s panties drawer.


Just watch out for the shitstains and crusties. Hard to miss your own comments though I guess, considering you’re on every one of my posts.

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Don’t try too hard to be a fren there — last time you got within 5 feet of me I OD’d from the fent on your breath fLloyd, my man.


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Big fren energy.

Hoping he’ll invite you to the Republic of Islam in his europoor shithole so his mommy can spank you with the wooden spoon too?

Real coomer hours

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If Kip actually knew rednecks they’d lynch him for walking around smelling like basketball leather and fake bills

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Imagine sending a DM

What is it the gay kids call that these days? Oh yeah “real fren hours”

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You literally live in Toronto stop projecting Johnikwa

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Imagine allowing blocking

Typical Toronto liberalist

Must be nice living with a bunch of non-whites. No wonder the whole city smells like shit and Zobesity.

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I was never going to the USA. I’m a pureblood unlike you people who had to go attend rallies in Gaza to show your support for Jing Bin Den or whatever your senile commie cute twink leader’s name is

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I thought you’d be more upset considering you guys worship cows and have sex with goats in your country

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If I was his mother I’d beat him more on camera

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2022 and still ruining your lungs with meth like some streetmonkey in a Basketball leather tank top and running shorts

Imagine not just being white

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I don’t smoke weed you lowlife poojeet cumlord

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