
🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user joined 2021 October 29

Based Count: 15

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

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x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

Moderator of


User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
Based count: 15
joined 2021 October 29

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

Awards received

x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

Moderator of

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Lmao BIPOC he still is posting there at this very moment. All signs point to “termite” and you’re here trying to invite him into your home.

You’re not that dumb.


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And a prospective mod is clipping it



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I’m on my main strag

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You’re a tool and fooling nobody except Kippy BIPOC.

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You’re busy, I forgive you, but you didn’t take two seconds to check who he’s been interacting with most? Come on Kippy

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This speaks for itself

Stop being retarded. I know you aren’t.


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You should make another poll asking everyone how many jannies we need in that case, since you’re encouraging the community to make decisions based on easily manipulated polls, so we can decide if we need 20 or are better off with 30 people to jannie this community of ~40 sporadically active members

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Fake and gay

Anyone can be a rat

He’s clearly in your inbox begging BIPOC

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Why do we need more jannies? Asking for a large group of friends

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My favourite local park has been ruined by it. We have a provincial park literally ten minutes from my house and the last two times my girlfriend and I tried to go there it was just BILLIONS of poos using open stoves (banned at the park) as far as the eye can see, and blasting Hindi music out the back of their Honda civics. And not a single park ranger said a thing.

I don’t even have kids but as an adult I can’t head there with my fiancée to take pictures and shit because they literally fill every square inch and they’re so absurdly loud.

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They love to drink and use the word “cunt”, and they’re hard to offend

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Back in my day they weren’t

We are truly a lost people now

During shutdowns it was like white family consisting of mom, dad, and a child or two at the park


10,000 pajeetis sitting around a small table in the middle of the park cooking on their bylaw banned mini stoves and dumping their garbage everywhere yelling with their 20,000 pajeeti mini-poos running around chasing geese

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I don’t mind aussies

They’re based, even the abos

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Also assume all Canadians are some form of dune coon and avoid

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Assume all non Canadians are some form of BIPOC and avoid

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Imagine talking to people from the USA



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BIPOC I know you don’t live in the USA. Don’t tell me you’re one of those undocumented immigrants. :marseydoomer:

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Never answered my Neopets question

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I second this

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neighbor who’s gonna buy it if it does basically nothing

Also who’s posting from their PCs? What is this, 2005? Woah there MySpace. Wanna design my Neopets shop page for me there 1998?

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This is based

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Mouse cursor? Imagine visiting this honeypot from your PC.

For shame.

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Bro you can’t even figure out how to fire your 2.2 inch dick

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RIP in pieces Jeb

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BIPOC confirmed.

I award you your official BIPOC syndicate BIPOC badge.

Congrats BIPOC.

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