
🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user joined 2021 October 29

Based Count: 15

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

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x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

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User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

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Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
Based count: 15
joined 2021 October 29

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

Awards received

x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

Moderator of

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Imagine blocking people

Real cute twink attic boy who gets the shit kicked out of him by his 200 year old euro semen demon mother because he gets sexual gratification from it hours

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If worship is my gay projection that makes you my avatar gayngr

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You worship attic boy who gets sexually abused by his Eurodemon mother, but you’re right about this one.

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Just be careful — your mom beats and sexually abuses you, just imagine what Ooga Booga Zulu would do

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Never felt any love or affection, didn’t want an arranged marriage, does that mean his baby is literally a rape baby or was his wife just fucking someone else?

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Honestly I want to bang some American broads and do some blow that isn’t laced with fentanyl. You guys have it easy. I can do some good while I’m travelling. I’ve only got three days to sort my trip though otherwise I’m heading to Australia

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I just genuinely need someone, even on a sleeper account, who can provide proof of where they are. Gonna enjoy a week off regardless of where I am. ☺️

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If it wasn’t about the animals I’d just snipe and wait for Chicken to roughhouse but we aren’t doing that. If I can find them these pets will be surrendered into custody because no one on that RV has ownership, guaranteed, and I’ve got proof of abuse.

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On my life if I can find them. I run an animal rescue in Canada on my free time. Not going to break any laws but no one on that RV has ownership of that dog.

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Ty btw. This isn’t a troll, I am bored and I do have 2 weeks off and can finally travel now with the vaccine mandates dropped.

I’ve got a compilation of vids of these people abusing animals among everything else they do and I’ll show whatever form of animal control they have in the USA on the spot. If they don’t liberate these dogs from their suffering I’ll do it. Can’t steal a dog that doesn’t belong to someone.

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Close enough. I’m going to rent a car when I land anyway. Just before I book my flight Id like someone with insider info about their location who’s against animal abuse to give me a heads up. Won’t share username or anything. Just need solid proof of where they’re going to be.

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Think or know? My girl’s busy with school stuff the next week and I’m off work so I can catch a last minute one person flight, and I’m looking for a bit of time away. Would love to do some good on my travels.

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Full disclosure: I’m going to show up with animal control and liberate these poor things. Not just report them — I’m going to take animal control there. If animal control won’t do something I will. These poor animals aren’t staying there.

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Not even remotely catchy or well done

I’m disappointed — usually these are good

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Yeah I missed the beginning of ladder so I’m waiting til reset

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Nice try I have 2 dads that makes you gay

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He’s no Canadian he’s a Jap the way he harpoons whales

Unlike the Japanese though he reproduces with whales rather than simply exploiting them

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EDIT: Whale fucker

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Good catch, looks like it came from a tween store like Ardene that mass produces clothes for their buy one get twelve free sales

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Presumably only because she’s chauffeuring him somewhere since his gut keeps him from operating a steering wheel

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Honestly bro she looks like his literal sister, if she gained 110lbs and shaved off her eyebrows they’d be twins

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Holy fuck this is a gay circle jerk of ex mods

:marseytrain:-janny fest 2022

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They literally allowed the use of Russian keyboards just for me. Stop having a poverty name. You’re poor.


You’re welcome by the way, I know it’s been hard for you since PyraBIPOCs stopped working at the call centre with you ngrbrain

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Shut the fuck up jfc

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