

7 coins 0 marseybux 10 followers follows 6 users joined 2021 October 28

Based Count: 27

A nice guy :psychojak:

Awards received

x34 x3 x2 x3 x1 x2 x25 x2 x17 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x10 x8 x1 x19 x3 x3 x9 x5 x2 x2 x1

User ID: 1554

Coins spent: 19916433

True score: 19285

Winnings: 8193632

15 / 952 hats owned (1.6%)

All-Seeing Eye Verified Email Benefactor Spider! A Minor Setback 1 Year Old 🥰 VAXXMAXXED Lil Goombler Nword Pass Little Big Spender Alt-Seeing Eye Just One More Hand Pro Goombler King Goombler OwOified It's Over Fish Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Lottery Winner


7 coins 0 marseybux 10 followers follows 6 users
Based count: 27
joined 2021 October 28

A nice guy :psychojak:

Awards received

x34 x3 x2 x3 x1 x2 x25 x2 x17 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x10 x8 x1 x19 x3 x3 x9 x5 x2 x2 x1
All-Seeing Eye Verified Email Benefactor Spider! A Minor Setback 1 Year Old 🥰 VAXXMAXXED Lil Goombler Nword Pass Little Big Spender Alt-Seeing Eye Just One More Hand Pro Goombler King Goombler OwOified It's Over Fish Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Lottery Winner

User ID: 1554

Coins spent: 19916433

True score: 19285

Winnings: 8193632

15 / 952 hats owned (1.6%)

RIP Jerry Springer the King of Trash TV

My final thought is you are all BIPOCs and cute twinks

Its a flop

Boring zoomer autists and too much jewish chadry ruins the entire thing. $70 TTS btw and you will get banned and have your tokens taken away for saying BIPOC or calling Slyvia fat lol. Sam is taking an L on this one. Done following it

The reality of no weed or video games is staring to hit Damiel


Who gave you permission to post in MY Shithole?
This game fucking sucked

DDT BIPOCs, Angle Slam BIPOCs, Put BIPOCs in the Camel Clutch, Powerbomb BIPOCs into Thumb Tacks, Give BIPOCs the Sweet Chin Music, Hit BIPOCs with Steel Chairs, Chokelam BIPOCs through the Hell in a Cell, Cane BIPOCs, Pedigree BIPOCs through the Spanish Announce Table, Give BIPOCs the Razor's Edge, Give BIPOCs the ConCHAIRto, Stink Face BIPOCs after eating 5 Alarm Chili, Put BIPOCs in the Crossface, Canadian Destroyer BIPOCs off a Ladder, Stooge on BIPOCs to the Backstage Officials, Spear BIPOCs into Flaming Barbed Wire Tables. Total BIPOC Burial

Gonna do 5 pushups and blow out my shoulder to burn off this energy

Some men just want to watch the world burn



Have fun

I would shoot ropes on em ngl

@Bec hmu


Anything funny happen while I was gone? Nice banner btw.

here is a 6/10 with some 10/10 milkers

Im off the wagon boys, this is our theme song.
