
99874 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user joined 2022 December 08

Check out my YT @in_real_life In Real Life

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Web Design Is My Passion 1 Year Old 🥰
99874 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
joined 2022 December 08

Check out my YT @in_real_life In Real Life

Awards received

x1 x1 x1
Web Design Is My Passion 1 Year Old 🥰

User ID: 2718

Coins spent: 0

True score: 359

Winnings: 0

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

In the midst of Elisa stream on Hollywood Blvd, Elisa captures a theft in progress. The thief runs into Elisa injuring her before being caught

Andy Dick returns after spending time in jail. Elisa Jordana meets with Andy Dick after his stint in jail. Andy talks about his experience in jail and what he'd like to do now that he's out.

Ayala and Elisa meet up to discuss the stream they shared a day earlier. Ayala says she was just acting, but Elisa thinks otherwise. Ayala asks Elisa to remove the stream from Youtube.

Elisa and Lala finally stream again. Lala reveals she might be married and that her hubby doesn't like Andy Dick. Elisa later gets kicked out of Lala’s car.

Suspendas meets up with a prostitute from Nagasaki. Suspendas drunk raps.

Viewer calls lead to Ice and Suspendas getting confronted by police while camping in rural Japanese town. Callers might have suggested to police that Ice and Sus have been illegally camping in the town.

Ice Poseidon's best pick up lines of 2023, thus far.

Elisa Jordana stranded in Skid Row

Elisa Jordana was left without a ride home, forcing her to walk through LA’s infamous Skid Row. Luckily, another IRL streamer, Billy John was able to rescue her. Also, notorious IRL troll, Virtuous Spartan, calls Elisa and can’t hide his emotions.

Scary moments on an out-and-back trail in Mt. Moiwa, Sapporo. During a snowstorm, Joel becomes separated from Sus and Ice. They find him later in bad shape.

Sus gets pressed by a local for asking where he can eat Chinese food. Then he cucked by another local when he tries to talk to a girl. All this happens in under 3 minutes.

Police were called after Chicken's landlord/boss throws Chicken into wall.

Elisa’s new assistant, Judy, gets triggered by chat and TTS, and grabs Elisa’s streams and ends it.

Angry Billy John

Billy John thinks that Elisa lured him into a potentially deadly confrontation with "Virtuous Spartan."

Captain Content has a lot to say about Elisa Jordana, Ice Poseidon and the state of livestreaming after hearing Elisa's new diss track.

#ip2 #ElisaJordana #CaptainContent

Howard Sterns Elisa Jordana Created a very catchy tune "The Captain Song" A special message to Mr Captain Content.

Callers often try to troll Elisa but she's so good at rolling with the punches ...

@ElisaJordana guest Kay Jobs, tells us she is the reincarnation of Buddha, Albert Einstein, and the Queen of England and that she doesn't use traffic laws.

Superfan, Eric, sent Elisa several pics of himself in the buff.

Elisa Jordana livestreams from the gathering outside of Mar-a-lago after Trump returns from his arraignment, April 4, 2023. Baked Alaska, who was also attending, runs into Elisa. Also, Elisa has to deal with risqué TTS donations and media during rally.

Caller, Brandon Que, gets absolutely destroyed during a phone call on Elisa Jordana's live stream.

No one, other than our Elisa Jordana, can react with this much intensity!

Chicken Andy meets a guy on the street who compares livestreaming to the Howard Stern Show. Chicken Andy then calls Elisa Jordana to impress him.

Elisa Jordana attends Jerk Fest with Todd Goldfinger and Duran. They quickly leave after a fan sends a racist media donation.

Jason Itzler makes his IP2 debut with @Onesonic . Presses Sonic, tells him to turn off his stream.
