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Midnight math challenge

If done right, you will have a page like this


Math is trash and dumb to smoke

I remember having a discussion with one of my math peers about floiting point error but it seems different than that. For example in c++

#Include <iostream></iostream>

#Include <cmath></cmath>

Using namespace std

Int main ()


\ declaration of string value

string X=" "

\ ui to get an input

cout << "Enter a numerical value";

cin >> X;

cout << "\n" << endl;

*conversion, redeclaration with associated values *\

const double pi =3.1415

double stragcel = stof(X) * pi * 2

\ print of your cute twinkry

cout << "The amount of cute twinkry in your soy titties is " << stragcel << " inches squared. You might wanna get that checked out." << " In terms of the range of the oscillations of your cute twinkry it is " << sin(stragcel) << " to " << sin(-stragcel) << ". This is dangerously off the charts. We cannot help your cute twinkry, sir." << endl;

return 0;

}I have done similar things with floating points but the error seems to be constant with int, float, and double. What is it?

Math challenge night

I really like potential functions. Have fun.

Triple integrals
Math monday

This problem is more computationally proofy. I had fun with it. Mind you, youre solving the character polynomial associated with a second order diffy eqn with monomial constants with the substitution y=x^m.

Have fun, if you get it right ill give you boob pictures.


Ill post my code later.


The growth can be found using a recursive series and the associated logic.

Will require a for loop.

Brethren, it is that time of the week again. Pick up you pens and pencils. Begin math monday


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Pey Does Math

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  • AnonTHEGOD: Calculations are inaccurate. In doggie position ass checks dont obstruct vaginal access.
Pey Does Science

Here is a make up for math monday
Better content tha whats on rn change my mind

Give it a read dood