
11211 coins 0 marseybux 6 followers follows 2 users joined 2022 July 21

Based Count: 2

Trueceldom is LEP LYFE

I am subhuman.

Asexual Sufi Mendicant of The Knights of St. Lazarus.

Awards received

x1 x1 x1

User ID: 2361

Coins spent: 0

True score: 565

Winnings: -400

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Verified 1 Year Old 🥰
11211 coins 0 marseybux 6 followers follows 2 users
Based count: 2
joined 2022 July 21

Trueceldom is LEP LYFE

I am subhuman.

Asexual Sufi Mendicant of The Knights of St. Lazarus.

Awards received

x1 x1 x1
Verified 1 Year Old 🥰

User ID: 2361

Coins spent: 0

True score: 565

Winnings: -400

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Only if he gives me all his shards.

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Splash Mountain
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Splash Mountain
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Sandneighbor-TradCath Alliance now

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You in Slab?

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My plan is to get a tan and befriend Mexicans and Blacks so if I run into Chicken I can point at him and say "he's racist".

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Guys, I'm working on getting a motorbike and friends...

Shit is hard af... content coming before societal collapse I promise.

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I don't have a car.

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Been bagging hoes still but it's so hard, I gotta sneak them in when she's gone and they know it's a foid's house and act weird about it...

80% the time, I get it in if they go through the door...

always afraid jacob will come by and catch me

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The guy says he's been fixing the motorbike so I can buy it for days... I will return to IRL, I might press NFL players in Scottsdale.

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It doesn't matter if you get matches and talk to them. When they want to meet IRL, it is impossible to pretend to be 6ft+ Germanic or Jogger, and rich.

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Already have things in common with her.

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Just randomly posting here about how Vegan cheats on me and how I only use her for a roof and rides and how I'm not really attracted to her and how I have a crush on StarQueenNellya.

Vegan doesn't browse this site, she won't see this.

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Incelvation starts maybe after I slip and fall in a 5 star diner and get shylockbux for an RV.

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My content currently depends on a guy on craigslist hitting me up to buy his motorbike. Once I have wheels, I have IRL. No Lightrail where I live. The guy has to just reply, I have the money in my pocket.

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I'm an actor.

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Splash Mountain
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take a guess...

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Making a kick and getting a backup channel

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Mass reported by "people".

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Damn neighbor, did I show you Mood?

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Thanks for forgiving my sins.

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Spam him and tell him to let me on his RV. Vegan made me dislike wonen and like streaming again.

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