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1 Year Old 🥰
1033 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
joined 2022 November 22

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1 Year Old 🥰

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Those pictures are a bit more work to get through, gotta really blur out a lot too, he's got Casey's phone number blown up and even his license if i remember right, every address a streamer was at.

I wouldn't be surprised if they had a copy of his dox.

I really wasn't caring much about BS mod logs until i seen he's shut them down for a 7th time. Doxbin is just a lot more free in the information you can post. I have no personal info on him, not even an age.

I just want to preserve these logs and get the rest sorted out into one place eventually. Thanks for understanding homies.

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Logical gets all the patebins removed for the chat being hateful and violent conduct, I implore you to give it a read yourself to see if there's any actual doxing in there. When i originally made this i made sure to censor out any sensitive parts like addresses, phone numbers etc.

Still i'm positive anyone who has read it will agree there's no doxing going on here, it's just an angry ex Yoba Mod being exposed. My channel would have been struck by now at the least when i read the whole thing out and called him a cute twink.

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Tokyo Trump was like a Ninja Guide, no matter where i was he was around to inform me of antics. Dudes great.

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Completely understandable. I wouldn't take myself serious at all. In all hoensty i noticed you could talk shit a lot more in chat when a member, I've just been waiting to get banned lol.

$3 a month isn't much and i aint spending too much time on youtube, Sam and Nicks clips, Smokey Mcc and Kiwi tapes when they where much smaller. I like to support the good content they make. However with lookner? I just want to talk risque shit and get away without a ban, I've even made the mods apologies to me lol. Sad but a cheap thrill my friend. Better than donating to any IP2 Beggar.

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Most of this community a bunch of dudes in their late 20's and 30's its a waste to even debate about it.

I'll say this though, the reason i was instated as a moderator in the first place was because no one was helping out, Curd was playing hentai games (had a broken banner for 6 months) Logical was the nice guy with an agenda after Baked got exiled. He's sent me text between them and if i can work out how to make this site on the cheap i'll host it all in my legal name.

The admin team where especially fucked but saying that, it could be mindgames from mods that the main guy didn't like me, I had 2 positive exchanges with him the entire time. Bit soon to hate someone right?

With the mods? FFS was honestly good in my books. I don't want to get personal but he started this i'd presume when his life wasn't busy as it is now, he's family and what not, The time spending approving posts and accounts every morning and evening is just a waste, he done it all for the love of the community which is why i don't feel he had a bad bone in his body.

Now he did tell me to remove the truth files from online but i've been having them posted up as soon as i find out there gone (i'd appreciate help there!)

ffs never told me it was him and i presumed it was logical, it makes sense it'd be logical as ffs isn't even mentioned in the messages and its always a privacy complaint.

I think he want to keep out it and that's partially why he's left.

FreeMaxB one of the best mods in my opinion who was even friendly towards me prior to my first ever postings years back knows how to wrangle the mods, he was in the same belief that we don't need to censor everything, Curd, Logical and ffs felt more inclined to do that i feel.

Now as for the worst mod? Removing my bias as he did remove he as i found out from the logs thanks to MaxB being a bro. I believe logical was the absolute worst. Perhaps worse than Braxt. He knew he sucked a ton and that's why he had rules you couldn't show your face or voice or identity at all. Like we're in some ped ring.

If i wanna upload to my 13 year old channel on youtube i'm going that unless i get a signed contract from them i agree on. It's not legally binding until then, so of course its petty tactics of taking it down every week to just demoralise me.

There's so much dirt i have both in text and in media form (text from yoba, rent free etc) that are damning proof what an idiot he was. he tried so hard to claim clout from these guys. Sucked up to them. Only reason i ever showed big respect to CK was because she was the first streamer i helped out with a problem they came to me with. She's a homie.

Once the site is up i'll have the media as well to archive, i've got in touch with other sources from fields and farms and looking to make this stay online forever.

If i feel done wrong by the other mods like Curd? I'll happily reveal though too though he knew i hated goo day one.

But yeah the whole reason MaxB got me mod was because the mod team was fucked, Notice all the crazy choices i got to make? Even removing jewel rancid...

I did polls and i took those opinions to the others, they didn't like it as much but it was always brushed off, Basic site code was broken for half a year and we're supposed to have a coder on mod team.

Notice logical isn't here and i don't think curd is either, even the leader ffs is out of there.

It was a sinking ship from the way it was ran from paranoia

I had no bad intentions, i bought people prizes and shit for being part of the community. I was investing 4k into a self hosting system we could use for clips, wiki's and a youtube alt.

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One thing i noticed big time when i got these for $12 for a joke is that i've a way smaller nose than baked.

I'm everything America First wanted to be, Living in a 94% white majority country, Pure pale European and no Jewish decent.

Like compare my regular nose to this. It's like they hit the slider up 3x on width and length.


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You can trust me bro. I've made sacrifices to ensure our safety. I read the scripture through the Glasses of Grift: It wasn't easy but must be preserved.


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