
1033 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user joined 2022 November 22

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1 Year Old 🥰
1033 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
joined 2022 November 22

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1 Year Old 🥰

User ID: 2684

Coins spent: 0

True score: 145

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Please throw it over some upvotes, I still plan on using a site to show all the messed up pictures i was sent during my time with him.

Have fun with this Logical. i've already got another 2 backups including Kiwi Farms as a final resort. Josh would be happy to host this trashfire.


Please visit the new Logical Archive and keep it safe on a hard drive. I'll be making sure this is fixed by the end of the month. What a petty bitch.

Haven't even been around for like 8 months.


I'm considering setting up a panel tonight as i'm all free and been working nightshifts the past couple weeks with work starting up again so it'd be all good to go from my end. Gonna verify the streamyards bull (or any other decent alternative that isn't discord)

Just wanted to apologize too for those who wanted to come on and speak their peace. I've a bunch of mails i'll get reading too but if anyone who wanted a chat originally back then, i'd love to have you all back on if it's not busy on your end.

Might be one of the last streams i do if it's a fail tbh as i'm more focused on our business but if we end up with callers or commentors raising good questions i feel we could do another episode perhaps one a week.

I've never been a fan of the streamyards shit and tbh i'm not an IRL streamer anyway. i work in game dev and handle a lot of the audio sides of things. Another shoutout too, for those song makers like Soynics toe, I'll always be welcome to do a collab with you now i'm starting back up.

I'm gonna see the guests availability tonight and then just go from there, I might even be half tempted to just go solo and do call in's.

Once everything's confirmed for either Tuesday or Wednesday I'll have a scheduled stream so people can get the times down. After that upload i'll probably move it to my secondary channel Cogglesz archive however IP2 and PCM have my full permission to download and reupload to spread awareness.

I know we all like to shitpost and troll myself included but I'd like our community to come together and maybe as an ex mod who was wrongfully banned over a minecraft joke logical told me to do, I think it could be interesting going through the logs and seeing how their brain ticks. I won't be censoring my end of the chat either. When i'd first joined i wanted to make a good impression on everyone so i was playing a long with much of what he said, Scuffed RV would be a perfect example. It wasn't till i noticed we made a new mod chat without logical that it sort of set in for me that things just aren't for the benefits of the users, artists and clippers.

I'm far past ever wanting to mod over there, i was on an extended break and was asked for help so i thought it's the least i could do to sustain a community i had known since 17'

Just some requirements. If you want to call in a Webcam isn't needed unless your an IP2 mod and wish to debate my actions.

I also noticed my RODE N1 XLR mic was rotated backwords in my original uploads calling him out so i've now resolved that issue.

Apologies for the massive post but if you'd like to subscribe to check out the streams & previous works please feel free: Unsub if you'd prefer to keep the sub feed clean but besides the odd game dev stuff and audio I'm not up to much on the channel.

Much respect to everyone who's followed this insane community over the years, A lot of you i'd consider close friends over all the years we interacted. Both PCM and IP2

I won't keep you reading this book but any suggestions or feedback on the flow of the show would be great. Reason i'm having a guest on is just really so i can get more comfortable being cammed up and having plenty of things to bounce from.

If you do see a live stream of me tonight called TEST or anything like that, i'm just making sure everything is 100% prior.

Thanks everyone for your time and patience!

Another L for Logical.

Update on the privacy complaint to try censor the log reveals video from YouTube Legal team.

Another W for the Truuuuth.

If the mods hit me hard enough on my main channel I'll revert to using this as a replacement. No strikes so far but i thought i'd also show people where to find vods after live streams.

I've also archived the logchat i produced legally multiple times this time over. I will include them in all videos here on out.

The Jannies over at IP2 once again are trying to censor my own publishing and works. Please feel free to spread these files far and wide, I will continue to update my YT page whenever they pull a Mundane Matt. is now gone.

What's in there to be so afraid of guys? Funny to see my threads and others about me are shadowed alongside it. Why would they protect someone like Logical doxxer?

Reported by:
  • RENTFREE: Won't have me on his panel because he wants his mop back
I wonder who filed a privacy strike on my latest video....

Look at this cute twink, living completely rent free in his head lmao. GG trying to shut down my channel for only showing the truth which was legally obtained and produced by myself.

I will be phoning up or getting in chat support with my YouTube representee (I do music on some side channels work related and part of a network)

He didnt even go ahead and add a timestamp on what was a privacy complaint, it's just a chat log with no NDA's attached.

Please logical, you know my name. Please go ahead and contact my lawyer and try this shit. It'l only be more content and views for my shit channel.