
Undefeated folks

132568 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 0 users joined 2021 December 05

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User ID: 1826

Coins spent: 2500

True score: 132

Winnings: -975513

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Verified Email 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback Lil Goombler Just One More Hand Pro Goombler Web Design Is My Passion

Undefeated folks

132568 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 0 users
joined 2021 December 05

Awards received

x1 x2 x1 x2 x9 x1 x2
Verified Email 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback Lil Goombler Just One More Hand Pro Goombler Web Design Is My Passion

User ID: 1826

Coins spent: 2500

True score: 132

Winnings: -975513

1 / 952 hats owned (0.1%)

for the low price of $20 i'll switch teams and defend you

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taking over

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"i can flood this place with bots" but i bet you really want to flood it something else from the way you look wink wink

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im just kidding bwo <3

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jealous jealous jealous i bet youre actually jealous of me because ip2 loves more than they do you i bet if i went live i could get more donos than you because im actually appreciated unlike you

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i tell the waitresses to keep that shit whatchu mean only poors like rentfree ask for receipts after ordering a del taco burger

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youre so jealous lmfao dont wont ill send you a picture of my dinner tonight so you can pretend to taste it thru your screen go do some homework on me and comeback when you can say something true

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you werent even around you literally dont even know what happened your literally talking to somebody who was around youre such a fucking new strag i swear to god you should be embarressed cuz i know i would be knowing that i dont actually know what tf im talking about thats gotta be hard on the mind to lie to yourself like that you keep repeating the same things to me as if i wasnt around like you werent i know about it better then you do you dont need to keep telling me i know truth you will prolly learn the truth in like a year or 2 you know cuz youre a newstrag you gnome saying. if you really knew anything about me you would know you fucked up picking a fight with me lol i feel bad to be honest because i liked you

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dude he needs 20 dollars for burgers i just spent $200 on gourmet dog food come to papa

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nobody but me and riotcoke are here you must be talking to yourself oh wait you are lol

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newstrag btw dude i found out who you were the day you were evicted you already knew who i was "the chicken andy mod" lol you found out about ip2 thru stop speeding. stop speeding doesnt like me ether but i bet i could get him to join my rv lol you fucking rookie you thought you could just buy a liveU and rv and everyone would love you typical newstrag behavior you have no stripes sit down

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i thought we were homie you fucking BIPOC

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dude i won already.. hold on maybe you only understand wwe talk "you think you know me" edge theme music .. i run this forum now

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ip2 never dies ... who side are you on? am i going to have to strike your channel dont play with me goofy i like you

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its cute how you guys defend each other .... people who look like child rapist are going to protect each other. at the end of the day even if you werent banned on ip2 i can turn the entire forum against you .. suck it. youre a new strag nothing you say is valid you werent even around to witness any of the shit you talk about just like riotcoke talking about chris benoit get the fuck out of my face you fucking rookie new strag i run this forum now

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lol cope .. im sexy as fuck dude i wouldnt want to make you guys seethe any harder. you better chill out or youre next

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stick to spamming youre better at that you fucking newstrag

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oh i know this is dead forum obviously im just here to troll

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i never did anything to you but starting today im going to chris benoit your internet existence

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youre triggered as fuck riorcoke i dont know why youre being mean i never did anything to you i use to be your only viewer while your crooked eye ass played mlb video games on robostreamer im going to destroy you with your own hate you should know better you little cry baby

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i dwon't believe u

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