
🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user joined 2021 October 29

Based Count: 15

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

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User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

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Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
Based count: 15
joined 2021 October 29

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

Awards received

x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

Moderator of

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Absolutely not in his case

Appeal denied BIPOC

He’s the ONE guy I can’t stand cause he cries more than Stop Speeding

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I forgot BurgerBroyo was even a thing til I saw that post

New account every 14 days Andy coming back to remind people he exists

Literally built an ego off Stop Speeding acknowledging him in chat lol

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I believe this

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Nah it’s BurgerBroyo still feeling important lmao

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I got banned from IP2 5 months after launch on .win because pyramids and gofurkids and their gay little cute twink butt boy FreeMaxBIPOCcocks got upset but please do go off

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Ok go back to dick riding IP2 mods no one cares Burger bye

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Kippy sent him to the chambers lil jewses

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I’m legit gonna download that Sims mod Gramps had way back that let him rape Darcy or whatever the fuck and make a Sim of each PCMemes mod and put them in a room with no less than 3 blades and 1 EBZ and let the simulation run its course

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Bro he deletes all his posts after he makes them that retarded cute twink BIPOC has been doing it since the SaidIt days

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He’s not

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I’ve not used protection since hs

I love the aids, however

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@KYSBIPOCs don’t say I never did anything for you

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Imagine helping a bunch of third worlders loot a foot locker instead of asserting your white dominance

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I wouldn’t take it back, I never said that, in fact I said last time I’d pay more this time around to help out with costs.

I just said I won’t support further while this whole weird flex everyone (both shitposters and mods) are doing gets sorted.

You’re literally allllllll being BIPOCs and not even funny ones.

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I signed up weeks ago to sponsor because paying for hosting to a bunch of ungrateful BIPOCs sucks and I understood that

I didn’t renew because of stuff like this

And before you say “I don’t care” you don’t have to care

Point is some of us care enough to support the community rather than weird manic spite moves because you’re feeling some kind of way

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I’m low key convinced at this point these people are genuinely trying to kill the community

It isn’t even clever trolling at this point nobody gives a flying fuck about the nobody chinklord @Red or his gofurkids2 level seethe posts so just mod both of them

Let’s just burn this bitch down

I like Kippy a lot but this is just BIPOC level trolling / admin’ing.

I thought he was leaving for a week because his feels got hurt and now he’s implementing Red as a mod for reasons unknown instead of just standing by a decision

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Why are you such a BIPOC?

Do you enjoy little yellow booties on our throats?

Just make @KYSBIPOCs a mod and let’s watch the world burn

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Janny of fake subs on a dead sub call gofurkids2 he’s seething

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cute twink cute twink.

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What a fucking reference

He does look just like Roger lmao

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U sound mad maybe you two can go share stories about back when you had mops and people still didn’t care

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That’s literally just Speedy now. He attended rehab in Biden’s America and they rehabilitated his whiteness out.

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@Kippy appreciation thread

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The karma gods blessed you with 32 coins

You’re doing gods work

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