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BurgerBroyo out here thinking anyone cares. This loser cute twink 10,000 alt Andy is just bored cause he can’t sit in Stop Speeding cry streams and simp anymore.

Fuck off BurgerBroyo you’re even less relevant than @KYSBIPOCs but at least he’s entertaining

You haven’t had a muscle to flex since PyramidsAreCool ragequit as moppy boy, sit down little bruises

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I forgot BurgerBroyo was even a thing til I saw that post

New account every 14 days Andy coming back to remind people he exists

Literally built an ego off Stop Speeding acknowledging him in chat lol

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imagine being an anonymous shitposter with en ego

jimminy christmas

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oh my bad i thought that was another wookie alt rip broyo

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Nah it’s BurgerBroyo still feeling important lmao

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