

7 coins 0 marseybux 10 followers follows 6 users joined 2021 October 28

Based Count: 27

A nice guy :psychojak:

Awards received

x34 x3 x2 x3 x1 x2 x25 x2 x17 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x10 x8 x1 x19 x3 x3 x9 x5 x2 x2 x1

User ID: 1554

Coins spent: 19916433

True score: 19285

Winnings: 8193632

15 / 952 hats owned (1.6%)

All-Seeing Eye Verified Email Benefactor Spider! A Minor Setback 1 Year Old šŸ„° VAXXMAXXED Lil Goombler Nword Pass Little Big Spender Alt-Seeing Eye Just One More Hand Pro Goombler King Goombler OwOified It's Over Fish Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Lottery Winner


7 coins 0 marseybux 10 followers follows 6 users
Based count: 27
joined 2021 October 28

A nice guy :psychojak:

Awards received

x34 x3 x2 x3 x1 x2 x25 x2 x17 x1 x1 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 x10 x8 x1 x19 x3 x3 x9 x5 x2 x2 x1
All-Seeing Eye Verified Email Benefactor Spider! A Minor Setback 1 Year Old šŸ„° VAXXMAXXED Lil Goombler Nword Pass Little Big Spender Alt-Seeing Eye Just One More Hand Pro Goombler King Goombler OwOified It's Over Fish Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Lottery Winner

User ID: 1554

Coins spent: 19916433

True score: 19285

Winnings: 8193632

15 / 952 hats owned (1.6%)

I'm šŸ…±eleting my account tonight.

This site has gone to fuckinng shit, I liked ip2 because its a free speech network/there is real art on here, recently thereā€™s been so much straggetry, days straight of coupon posts, a discord user is now mod and I just shake my head every time I check it. Oh and viewers with no talent get to spam their shit circle jerk doxxer podcasts that make this place look more lame, Brianā€™s scamming shots and people make posts about ā€œif you say offensive stuff I am blocking youā€ , the cancel culture was ushered in the day we let strags get married, homosexuality is a guise for pedophilia and I guarantee you 90 percent of the gay people on this network would fuck randy boo if given the opportunity. Later


I lOsT mY bAcKpAcK!
lol what a dumb BIPOC

blizzard used to be good

Random thought


>he didnt know



>tfw no jewess nazi superpowered gf

I hate this cute twink

RIP Sonny


"You're gonna fuckin monetize my SAD-NESS!"
Token is a bitch ass neega
too much sauce

