
Bot Metrics Tracker

This Python script tracks bot metrics by fetching data from the Parti API and calculates real viewers based on a specified botting behavior (either 12 users = 1 real user, or 8 users = 1 real user).


Fetches user profile data from the Parti API.

Calculates real viewers based on a randomized botting ratio.

Updates the bot metrics every 60 seconds.

Outputs the metrics to a JSON file.

Botting Behavior

The real viewers count is calculated using a random ratio:

12 users = 1 real user

8 users = 1 real user

Every time the script updates, it randomly chooses between these two ratios to calculate the real_viewers value.

Input the User ID:

When prompted, enter the User ID whose bot metrics you want to track.

Run the Python script:

Open a terminal and run the script using Python 3

Orders came up the pipe.

All 3 of you continue on as normal.

Bandwidth check

Bandwidth check
