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Verified Email Lil Goombler A Minor Setback Just One More Hand 1 Year Old 🥰


0 coins 0 marseybux 0 followers follows 0 users
joined 2021 December 21
Verified Email Lil Goombler A Minor Setback Just One More Hand 1 Year Old 🥰

User ID: 1899

Coins spent: 0

True score: 31

Winnings: -12432

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

jacked off to this

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analytics also have no influence over creating a unified community with particular goals

they're cavemen who just thing more views = good, retards

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her and cheeto brought some homeless guy with fentanyl (supposedly) to the rv and had him go to the back to fuck with captain while he was asleep

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I'm the person who archived all of her streams last spring/summer, and I can confirm she's not streaming because of the billionaire real estate guy who didn't appreciate the fact that Kate aired out his "STD status" on livestream (not kidding). He even took down the copy (no idea how he found it). As far as I know, Tarrant County judges have an option to simply locally record the zoom court hearings and all of them with the exceptions of the juvenile ones (Kim, Porter, Terry, etc) do that - including Kate now after that asshole filed a complaint.

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it's not that youtube catches on - it's an automated system - but for whatever reason, it takes youtube a while to compress all the brand channel accounts belonging to one google account into 1 subscriber

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new season was extremely disappointing and they didn't have TTS/media setup properly

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