
33371 coins 0 marseybux 0 followers follows 1 user joined 2024 July 16

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Web Design Is My Passion
33371 coins 0 marseybux 0 followers follows 1 user
joined 2024 July 16
Web Design Is My Passion

User ID: 3228

Coins spent: 0

True score: 38

Winnings: 0

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

I have 33371 coins on this website that says it will make you popular again if you upload picture of yourself?????

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you’re face doesn’t make any sense I'll make it make sense i have 33371 coins on this website I'll give u if you show me pictures of your face???

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Blow money, and see memories that's my qualification your qualification you seem like bloody idiot i bet a mirror is the only thing what wants to listen to you EMBARRASSING.

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We all have different shapes fishes are no worse than apes I would not place any confidence in what they might tell you in Providence. Upload picture of yourself.

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That place where you can't remember and you cant forget your unique username "red" lead me down the path to your secret garden. I know you were curious to who I was My profile picture is really me let me see a picture of your face I'll tell you what that mirror missed so u don't have to use that default profile picture????

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I'd as like having angels flying out of my ass getting ur attention are you really the original red or are u an imposter?

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go mate with the whales in the ocean fatboy

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I am heterosexual keep crying for the Wahbulance embarrassing.

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Born to be a cock vessel riding the tip of my dick like pony EMBARRASSING

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You're black neighbor you look crunchy and burnt that's why you're bitcheless

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I bought blumaan,pete and Pedro etc i even bought hair mask 50 dollars didn't work I'll go any lengths for my hair

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I know i am interesting like i have 2 different hair colors natural women bring up not me but you're palin ol jane here's some advice were an ad shirt because your eyes dead you stupid BOT EMBARRASSING

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I also have 2 different colors natural that's why too so GET MOGGED CUTE TWINK

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Tell that friend of yours is when ur the only one that sees what's real in thier eyes they have told me i am cute, hot, handsome, because of that i spent 600 dollars in hair products this year. Me seeing you letting me know God started creating anything nowadays EMBARRASSING!

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Go back to your comforting zone in your mother's womb sucking on your thumb I run circles around you EMBARRASSING

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LOL YOU'RE A BOT EMBARRASSING not even npc, npcs do better than you EMBARRASSING again.

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Instead of Downey you have the ups EMBARRASSING

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Here's one fat ass discord zany loser you see the doctor once a week called Dr Pepper fat ass now keep repeating discord words like cute twink and kill yourself clearly you use Discord EMBARRASSING. I am to good looking to use discord keep crying

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Sesame Street ass street EMBARRASSING

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That's racist and i don't use discord its smoke and mirrors you're bald your brain is freezing negative iq EMBARRASSING

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Alts equals their schizo personalities EMBARRASSING

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Profile is me i am not black stop lying to yourself clearly you dont take your own advice seriously Embarrassing your ass is jealous of your mouth shitting bullshit EMBARRASSING

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I dont use discord. Go bounce on ur dads knee bitch you broke cowboy cute twink

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I don't use discord but what I do know you're fat ass so go play with your inner belly button that looks like a wound you fat ass zany

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How do i Delete you off my friends list you don't deserve fake friends list you don't deserve lying to yourself

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