
Loves the cock

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1 Year Old 🥰

Loves the cock

1170 coins 0 marseybux 0 followers follows 0 users
Based count: 1
joined 2021 November 30
1 Year Old 🥰

User ID: 1791

Coins spent: 0

True score: 170

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0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

I got banned you dumb t r a nn y. IMAGINE DEFENDING PEDO BRAXTON!

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fuck off you dumb tr a nny.. you're too stupid to think you're not the gender you were born, your brain is broken. no way you'd be able to tell who is who

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I said fuck off t r ann y! I dont talk to t r ann ys. NON HUMANS. If a human wants to ask me questions I'll respond, not to a mentally ill fa ggot

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fuck off t r ann y

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Stay off my posts then, thanks

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ChangThunderang IS TRS. Sorry if you're too stupid to know this. Everyone knew this a year ago

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its all the same guy (TRS). Obese is a retard who has marshmallow chunks floating around in his brain

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You keep saying thats not him, same shit the IP2 mods do. It is him. You saying "pretty sure he was with alice" doesn't prove anything. I was added to a filter right after an exchange with him, keep in mind I always knew that was TRS because he had the same cute twink flairs TRS used and spoke just like him. You'll never understand because you're some kiwifarms cute twink

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So this site is full with Braxton alts shooting down facts now?

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You watch Alice streams, nuff said. It's TRS, stop trying to protect him.

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Reported by:
  • NahNahNickers: Dont Make Him Disappear He Doesnt Know The Neighborhood
  • obese: If I banned him for trolling I would be no better than the strags he's complaining about.

You covering for him now?

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yes but he uses different usernames like "Newstragz" so he can post because he has no life

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No its 100% TRS. Provide a clip to prove otherwise. I knew this for over a year now before he was even a mod

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I don't know what this means, I don't even know if you're a bot, a user a mod or an admin? jesus fucking christ

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