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ChadThunderwang is TheRightStuff, still an active IP2 mod. Added me INSTANTLY to the filter after I called him a newstrag. He is always looking at peoples comment history and calling them alts.

It says 42 minutes ago but I replied to him and within 2 minutes my post telling them to remove YOFA off the banner got removed and I got added to the filter.

Knew he was TRS from the start but this is legit proof. He used to have the same flair as TRS.

So if anyone have doubt that's not TRS, you're a dumbass

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Before you jump to this. I'm pretty sure he hung out in NYC with Alice on New Years eve.

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He Was A Very Lispy An Asian

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Yeah, also was very annoying in chat, I don't think it's TRS.

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No its 100% TRS. Provide a clip to prove otherwise. I knew this for over a year now before he was even a mod

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You honestly think I'm going to look through Alice streams to prove my point? Chang met her on New Years eve, he held the camera for her.

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You watch Alice streams, nuff said. It's TRS, stop trying to protect him.

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Protect him from what?

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You keep saying thats not him, same shit the IP2 mods do. It is him. You saying "pretty sure he was with alice" doesn't prove anything. I was added to a filter right after an exchange with him, keep in mind I always knew that was TRS because he had the same cute twink flairs TRS used and spoke just like him. You'll never understand because you're some kiwifarms cute twink

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perhaps clips or some shit

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phat phax

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So this site is full with Braxton alts shooting down facts now?

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he is right about the chink


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feelingsarereal says he mods from the genericmod alt

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yes but he uses different usernames like "Newstragz" so he can post because he has no life

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we are both refering to chang right? According to feelings Chang mods under genericmod because hes a pussy, Braxton mods under professionaljogger because hes a retard. Both these claims have been proven to be pretty valid so far

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its all the same guy (TRS). Obese is a retard who has marshmallow chunks floating around in his brain

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nah, chang doesnt sperg out like trs or make enemies as easily as him. He also posts a lot less. I dont see the consistencies

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ChangThunderang IS TRS. Sorry if you're too stupid to know this. Everyone knew this a year ago

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i dont care either way

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Stay off my posts then, thanks

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fuck off t r ann y

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Little fucking cute twink.. cute twink, shut the fuck up.


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