
Admin Leo.

10492271 coins 3327 marseybux 19 followers follows 10 users joined 2021 October 28

Based Count: 71

"I'm in chronic pain"

Awards received

x101 x4 x10 x11 x25 x14 x12 x3 x7 x3 x43 x16 x11 x2 x3 x67 x7 x2 x1 x3 x1 x2 x5 x10 x1 x5 x1 x182 x1 x27 x2 x1 x66 x42 x12 x29 x1 x2 x7 x2 x14 x4 x6

User ID: 1550

Coins spent: 4575110

True score: 64170

Winnings: 12807077

50 / 952 hats owned (5.3%)

Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner Amateur Hathead 1 Year Old 🥰 INFECTED Lil Goombler Nword Pass Unironically Retarded Little Big Spender Just One More Hand A Minor Setback Pro Goombler Fish Certified BIPOC Gabagool Gangsta Pizzashill Award Big Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Verified King Goombler It's Over All-Seeing Eye Fart-Free

Admin Leo.

10492271 coins 3327 marseybux 19 followers follows 10 users
Based count: 71
joined 2021 October 28

"I'm in chronic pain"

Awards received

x101 x4 x10 x11 x25 x14 x12 x3 x7 x3 x43 x16 x11 x2 x3 x67 x7 x2 x1 x3 x1 x2 x5 x10 x1 x5 x1 x182 x1 x27 x2 x1 x66 x42 x12 x29 x1 x2 x7 x2 x14 x4 x6
Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner Amateur Hathead 1 Year Old 🥰 INFECTED Lil Goombler Nword Pass Unironically Retarded Little Big Spender Just One More Hand A Minor Setback Pro Goombler Fish Certified BIPOC Gabagool Gangsta Pizzashill Award Big Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Verified King Goombler It's Over All-Seeing Eye Fart-Free

User ID: 1550

Coins spent: 4575110

True score: 64170

Winnings: 12807077

50 / 952 hats owned (5.3%)

Truth be told. Only speaking for myself.

I feel anyone that shows up here at this point, only shows up here because the mods are tired of them and are no longer welcome at IP2. I'm not saying bully anyone that may show up. But they should get on our program and not us make any adjustments for the. I'm very done with this look at me I'm edgy bullshit that IP2 brings. And if it's cool with everyone else here. I will use my wrench to keep it that way? I don't want newstrags politicastrags etc. As long as they are cool, act cool and at least bring something to table I'm good with that. But just show up and do as they please? I feel that train left the station years ago.


Please share all the links u find and mark them NSFW. Don't worry if you forget, I'll do it for you. And if there is some hot Jew rape happening please send me a user mention so I see it right away. Sorry for any inconvenience you may experience checking off the NSFW button. We must not lower ourselves and conduct ourselves as gentleman and respect those effected by this war.

Thank you for your understanding during this trying times.

The Don.

Me seeing Dogsmasterrace embrace his inner shit poster.
Braxton go live and talk about jews.
AdgaBruh is my favorite maf