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I have watched most of these seasons. I noticed one thing. The female sections of the jails are usually worse than the male sections. And they are always filled with tweakers that never sleep.

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I have come to the conclusion that I will probably never see the inside of a prison. But from what I have seen on 60 days in. I could buy my way through jail, the filth is the thing I would be most concerned with. But yeah, the BIPOCs would think they are getting over on me, and I would be silently laughing reading a book tossing some honey buns out to the Bloods that are watching my cell door 24-7. It's like having a concierge, If you feed everyone you become their leader.

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With all the smooth young boys coming in, I'm not worried about being raped one bit. I can hold my own in a fight, but jail is it's own beast that I don't want to tackle. So you have to use what you got. Commissary. As long as I have money on my books I will be left alone. I may even have, yo BIPOC boy clean my shower before I go in money. But yeah the filth would drive me fucking insane. And I don't relate to drug addicts either.

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i was in a holding cell not long ago because i did something stupid while drunk and this was maybe the second time that I got treated like george floyd and have to say BLACK LIVES MATTER!! :marseykneel:

but apart from that i'm happy to live in the netherlands, because i was out again within an hour and normally you have to stay for 24 hours... my neck still hurts tho

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