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ALL of Hunter Biden's Laptop and Cell phone texts / messages? Mostly unredacted.

Link to the link: https://pnda.page/HunterBiden

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Hunter Biden Safari browsing history leaked



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Those who simply dismissed Hunter’s emails as likely Russian disinformation, which were first authenticated by Morris, are below:

1.) MSNBC’s executive producer Kyle Griffin

The Trump campaign claims Facebook is “censoring journalism” because Facebook plans to limit the spread of the NY Post report. That is not censorship. Facebook is under no obligation to allow a disputed report that appears to contain disinformation to spread on their platform.

2.) Publisher of the Ink Anand Giridharadas

Today’s New York Post is a reminder that this James Murdock media redemption tour is happening too soon, too unaccountably, without real atonement and compensation for the tens of millions of victims of years of disinformation, and no serious journalist should fall for it.

3.) Daily Beast reporter Wajahat Ali

Good. Russian disinformation meant to harm our democracy shouldn’t be given mainstream platforms.

4.) Managing cditor of Truthorfiction.com Brooke Binkowski

The great thing about this is that it’s very easy to see who is committed to pushing known Kremlin disinformation

5.) NBC News correspondent Heidi Przybyla

Wikileaks were “hacked materials” & part of a Russian disinformation campaign. It became egg on every media that ran breathlessly with it.

6.) Writer Chip Franklin

Raise your hand if you appreciate Twitter for censoring the BS anti-Biden disinformation article from the New York post 

7.) MSNBC contributor Ben Rhodes

The right to spread false Russian disinformation about American political leaders on social media platforms is not the hill I would choose to die on.

8.) Washington Post opinion columnist Max Boot

The @nypost story about Hunter Biden is false–and quite possibly part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The Ukrainian prosecutor wasn’t actually investigating Burisma. He was, in fact, complicit in corruption—which is why Biden demanded he be fired.

9.) MSNBC’s Naveed Jamali

As a former double agent I know foreign intelligence services will “wash” their involvement in disinformation operations. My spidey sense are tingling on this one. 

10.) Mother Jones Publication

Giuliani and the New York Post are pushing Russian disinformation. It’s a big test for the media. 

11.) CNN anchor Brian Shelter

This is pretty great to look back on pic.twitter.com/sjLSTN3CZg

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) September 21, 2021

12.) CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer

We do know that it’s a very active Russian campaign, and that’s according to the U.S. intelligence community.

Please watch this video from CNN's Wolf Blitzer show shortly before the election. Now that we have (more) proof that the Biden docs were always genuine, just watch how these people lie. If this doesn't make you furious, and you don't despise this part of the media, you're wrong. pic.twitter.com/MnhkOolecp

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 21, 2021

13.) NBC News correspondent Ken Dilanian

… whether that was actually a product of a foreign intelligence operation. Obviously, Russia would be the chief suspect there.

14.) MSNBC Morning Joe’s regular contributor Dave Aronberg

 [The story] looks like it’s tied to Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

15.) CNN anchor Jim Sciutto

This is most likely Russian propaganda.
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You are so poor, you would fuckin’ run out of gas in a Prius you cute twink.. Figure it out.


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