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Imagine blaming other's for a person's choice to commit suicide.

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neighbor just turn off the internet lol

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Reminder I may have saved @Empressa s life by poaching her from the farms.

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"oh no im being forced to read these trolls comments" fucking losers who claim they are bullied online, most of the time its in there own head as text has no emotion or tone of voice so your mind add the emotions to fit what ever narrative they think is happening

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Listen listen listen Here’s the thing.. all you poor little virgin little cute twink little bitches out there Listen up.. listen up dude.. All those things about drugs, they’re great.. drugs are great.. Do em.. No one ever did drugs and didn’t regret it. Ok? Do it dude.. Do all your drugs you little virgin little cute twink little bitches. Go.. seriously dude.. because I did moly in New Orleans and I was feeling lovely. I did molly in New Orleans figure it out dude. chug some water.. fuckin’ figure it out dude. And it’s ok.. it’s ok.. if you’re a shitty person dude.. it’s ok if you’re a shitty person dude, just.. just know it.. Just.. first off we’re.. we’re not putting on a fuckin’ funeral for you there little bruises. Calm down. You just.. Just.. You just die and get forgotten about dude. You just don’t get called at the assembly. It’s.. its just what it is dude.. Seriously dude. I’m tired of all you little virgin little cute twink ass bitch ass punks that think people care if you die or live, they.. we don’t.. we don’t.. We’re out here living it, figure it out dude.. and that’s just real dude. So.. when you’re looking down with god, you’re like yeah god ay.. this is my bye-well. and no ones there, hey man.. traffic is a bitch dude.. traffics a bitch dude.. if you think I’m going to go to your funeral in this fuckin’ 5:20 traffic fuck you dude.. fuck you.. Seriously dude.. We didn’t even care when you were alive figure it out dude.

Ayoo donation hype. You’re poor. A dollar ninety nine.. really? Really? Yuck. I’m not even going to play it, figure it out. I know donations don’t show up on the shit dude but like cmon dude. Do I look like a fuckin’ bum to you dude? Do I look like I sleep on a fuckin’ street corner next to piss n shit? Seriously dude.. do you realize that the money you just donated.. uhh.. if I was.. if I worked at coldstone which I don’t.. if I worked at coldstone.. we would have motherfuckers sing to you dude. Die a little bit


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