
Post 1 clip someone doesn't like. They write a fucking paragraph trying to analyze your thought process.

I started clipping when IP2 was at the peak of activity. Most did not browse new for clips, you browsed hot because the good clips would be upvoted into hot. Out of habit I still clip like this. Is it really that offensive to just skip over a 17 second clip? Yea sometimes I post awful clips it happens. I've also caught content I would have missed if not for this recap style clipping. If you add all my clips up it's like a summary of whatever stream I'm watching. From my perspective, what I find interesting. Again content is subjective. Posting this in my blog because I hardly get any feedback and then someone watches a 17 second clip and starts to psychoanalyze my thought process to bring me down. Deansfuckhead get blocked you worthless piece of shit

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dude. how many times have you been upset about your treatment at ip2 and i supported you? every time i see you post about it. pinning it was a lighthearted tease because i was genuinely tickled that you posted Bec grabbing a coke from the fridge, it was meant to be in good fun and not meant to be mean spirited, but obviously i can't control how things are perceived. i wouldn't even say it was an awful clip tbh... you said that, not me, i was legitimately entertained by it. i really just wanted to know your thought process when clipping.

the explanation you typed above is exactly what i was looking for, thanks for answering. i'm not trying to psychoanalyze... it's not that deep dude, as a former clipper it's just interesting to me to get perspective into someone else's style, and for whatever reason, it was that clip that prompted me to ask. at the end of the day, i think you're making this a way bigger deal than it is, but again, i guess that's subjective. for what it's worth, sorry i hurt your feelings dude, it's good to have you around here, i am capable of being a huge asshole of a shitposter, but that wasn't what i was trying to do this time.

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We both misinterpreted. If you started with your third comment it would have been a different response from me. I almost quit clipping all together this week, again. If you check my post history on IP2, the post before Blade's toe update was going to be my last. I've spent over a year battling the Max and Dave nontent searching for actual content to keep the good people, that remain, around. I believe one of the mods that bots posts punished me for splitting to PCM. I wanted to stop Dave from leading RV7 and driving the community into the ground.

Check the leaderboard, my post score is a goddamn joke after the second wipe. The second wipe was the day I directly argued with logical operator, designed to punish me. Now I'm the last of the old clippers and I'm extremely on edge. I don't feel I have many allies, even on PCM. I miss Blackbirdswigwam, Pyramids and a lot of the old posters from IP2.

In the years clipping I rarely comment or try to engage people. As the community has shrunk I've tried to be more vocal. I apologize for my response considering you don't know the most annoying question to ask me. "Why did you clip this?" is one of the most triggering, for lack of a better word, phrases someone can ask. I rarely see Bec grabbing a can of Coke and she loves Coke dude. There was a good angle of her looking like a D cupper grabbing a can of coke so I clipped it, but cut off Blade rambling about weed.

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Water off a duck's back, you just keep doing you and clip. You help keep both communities alive with your clips.

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to be honest we are on the hardest moment of this community and it's pure survival right now

It is important that we can dstill enjoy it until the end without any stress but friend! i'm kinda drunk so what do i know 👊

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Sorry you're getting hate for what you do

Hope you feel better homie 💜:marseytrans:


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This is why I love you Sherwin, you don't seem to have a mean bone in your body.

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@Sherwin much respect for sherwin for being like this1!

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I don't get myself in other people squabbles on this board. But here is my take using myself as an example.

I shit post a lot. Some funny some not. If you are going to participate in something, you can't expect everything to be a Gem. Some of my posts I look at and think, that was fucking genius, and some times I look back and say, that was retarded and not that funny or not funny at all. If your going to do something in volume.

These things happen.

Now kiss and make up.

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I thought I had a good day of clips yesterday. New toe hole. Then I check notifications and it's just a couple people blowing me up for a 17 second clip. I expected to open the thread, that was pinned to mock me, and see a couple positive posts. I wanted to take a break this week but Blade's stream brought me back.

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You realize you are talking to the guy the Wookie abuses every chance he gets right? And at the end of the day, I believe we respect and like each other. And it's nothing personal. Just par for the course in this community.

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If you want to be an annoying shit I wouldn't target one of the last mass clippers still doing this shit. But y'know it's all fun and games like a college frathouse right?

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You seem heated about this and that's your right. You're a legend in this community, Have been and will continue to be one if you choose. You will always been remembered in the history books. Shit like this happens when there is zero content going on. I'm grasping for shit posting straws right now. When I poached @Empressa to be part of PCmemes. one of her very first comments were "Wow I love watching you guys eat each other alive when nothing is going on" We will always be remembered, I'll take that any day over "I don't remember that guy" When you walk among the Kings, expect your crown to be knocked off you head from time to time.

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There has to be a back and forth though. If your opponent isn't engaging what's the point other then being a masochist.

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i uptooted both sides- chaos must prevail

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If I don’t love Bec than I’m obviously a strag.


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