Sadly your actions speak louder than your words though...
Scammed @Oaty 's award / 9600 coins, didn't ya Kippy
Anyway.. What's the point of users having ban awards here anyway if Admins like Kippy disallow them & just manually unbans straight away after?? Stupid, and pointless that's what it is
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"What's the point
of users having ban awards
here anyway if Admins
like Kippy disallow them & just
manually unbans straight after?? Stupid, and pointless that's what
it is" grass
is only a perm ban untill someone sends themselves touching grass
too a janny
(can even be a fake
picture lmfao), whomp sent
@Kippy a picture of them touching grass, and
@Kippy even took nearly a half
hour too even notice
he dm'd
@Kippy btw while he was raging in dms aswell. then
he finally got unbanned, as the award
is meant too work, except if anyone should be mad it should be whomp for
@Kippy not doing it properly or in time.
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It didn't happen like that. Stop lying. He didn't send you no feet pics. Please prove me wrong. Bet you won't though
Anyway it's 6:15 AM in your Canadian timezone now. And you've been posting and ranting in 3rd person to yourself like an unfunny unconstructive madman for past few hours non-stop. Go to sleep you unfunny Canadian
And if you're poor now, I'll buy this dying site off you, because them drugs are clearly making you lose your mind & blind if you're not trolling... But if you are, still sad
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its actually
3 am homie and im not in canada
at this
very minute, but go off queen. Also yes he sent a fucking
dm of some hand
touching grass, which is what
we always unban for from day one, you can find multiple mods explaining this
exact thing many
times on here. Have a good
trans lives
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Keep typing & posting in full caps. Makes you looks very sane btw (sarcasm)
6 hours later snd you came back to this thread for my attention.
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imagine being so mentally
deficient you dont realize im talking in capps and mis-spelling because of an award
lol. Id love
too see you buy anything
btw after losing
all that doge
on the jake paul
fight, where
you were so embarrassed
that you removed the entire post
after. Oops, these things happen. Sleep well
mommys boy
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Gof2 / Wookie broke whomp last year here
And I somehow broke you today, Kippy
Fanboys turned into miserable
sadistic haters.. deja vu and not original
Anyway, If you want to see the real bad heartless side of me. Keep poking at me, and you may see what will happen. BECAUSE I SWEAR YOU WILL REGRET ALL OF THIS.
You may dislike me now, but oh no I guarantee you will HATE me
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Lmfao broke, nah its just
been really fun because
@Kippy normally dont say shit
about whiny people. My bad
@Kippy upset
you or some shit
lolol. Dont let it ruin you're entire evening. <3 trans
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Ah-huh... Okay
Anyway, interesting how you just kicked me out of the secret splash mountain zone ⏬
Unfortunately for you, you didn't realize to do it faster
But yeah post more photos of Meth on your COOL looking keyboard for your club only friends.. "This site isn't a safe place" btw
Administrator of the site does meth... Sad, very sad
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You are still in splash mountain
nothing changed,
@Kippy removed my bitches snatch picture and that because deleting posts annoys people despite
being able too find them via comments EVEN AFTER DELETION LOL. You need help
sherwin, keep
talking though its making you're case so much stronger about how you definitely arent bothered at all by people telling you too kill
yourself, people on the internet
bother you so much that you dm
@Kippy about it and cry then
go and post
dms when it doesnt go you're way. You got stale about an hour ago now dont really know
@Kippy keep
replying, must be that huge
pile of meth
lmfao. Night
lol Glad
that post
got a rise
out of you though
trans lives
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Another L for you
Only fake in your DMs aren't you.
Listen / Read. Open your mind and eyes. You've been replying to my posts, again and again almost continuously nonstop for hours now.
And it's not possible for me to block you unfortunately because Admin privileges Aevann set for you
Also Idk why you're now desperately wanting my attention though. Because if you legit actually didn't care about your e-reputation here; You would have gone to sleep by now.
I've obviously badly triggered / angered you by exposing your fake caring bs words you tried to fool me with ... 3rd person
@Sherwin would say "GOOD!' "Karma. Burn"
EDIT: Btw Kippy, you awarding / giving yourself these text altering awards to make people assume i did to you, is very deceptive & slimy of you i have to say
Anyway. Do it! PERMANENTLY ban me. I dare you
You won't though, cos you're a lame and boring Canadian bitch boy that does meth or cocaine for fun
Oooh I know! Why don't you send another selfie photo of yourself on discord to me, and "quickly" delete it again? 🙃
Edit. I'm not replying to your DMs ever again. Stop wasting your time, you're new addiction to cocaine or meth habit hasn't happened because of me either, so don't even dare try that shit on me
Sadly imo this website / this community is never going to grow big. Which is a shame
Edit#2: I'll reply to your latest DM here since you love for everyone to be a part of this sad poisonous toxic shit
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@Kippy have no side sherwin.
@Kippy run this
for degenerates by completely accident,
@Kippy dont give
a fuck
about the petty person
too person
@Kippy was trying too be nice
because youre clearly having a rough time
bro, Happy
friday. Still love
you cute twink
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Kippy doesn't realize that these negative loser posters provide absolutely nothing positive to this site. They are hell bent on shitting on anyone and everyone
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Sadly true
I used to say pcmemes community here it's nice and less hateful compared to ip2.. sigh 😔
I honestly can't say that anymore.
I don't remember it being this toxic & posionous. Just slowly getting worse and worse it seems
Thought Kippy & Obese legit cared... But I got fooled
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He's still mad, I see
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rofl, sorry buddy someone comes to me saying they were wanting to kill themselves over comments, i give them a little coins and sweet talk them abit. Then they leak the dms. Next time ill just tell you to kill yourself i guess my bad homie
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aint got time for the drama ayooo, barely been here tonight and replied to sherwin tryna be nice. Yall neighbors cant behave
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Maybe you should focus on negative pieces of shit here that provide absolutely no clips, no posts, but are still protected because they are OG evil sadistic pieces of garbage that want to watch everything burn.
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also no one really hates you here dude, just like no one really hates sherwin, im sure some do, who gives a fuck. They say some stupid shit oh well, and the reverse goes the same, cryin about the awards after trolling someone. Its all so gay, removed anything abusable honestly. Im really busy lately, aint got time for the petty shit, im here for good clips and the occasional new streamer if even remotely possible.
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I have no reason to ban or get rid of anyone, people can act how they want, if grown adults cannot deal with someone calling them shit
or fucking
downvoting them on the internet
it isnt my problem. People post
all kinds of shit
here, hell
posts math
problems which i find funny
as hell, this
isnt an ip2 clone, it isnt some safe
a bunch of frenzone shit
on. I dont care dude
lol, post
clips, post
whatever you want as long
as you arent doxxing or posting some highly illegal
shit, not my problem. Didnt
up for making anyone have a personal safe
space, i left certain awards
around so we could all have fun and fuck
with new strags or maybe the rare
people who show
up that deserve a little
clowning, yall cant have nice
things and use it for some personal agenda
shit. Yes obese
included, sorry homie but to be fair... either way, cry more about it, be here or dont, this
isnt some deep problem. Sorry man. People call
me a cute twink
poodle, call
me a
lover, call
me a foot
lover, all kinds of shit,, its all fuckin jokes and memes to me even if they are serious. Imagine not taking this
whole place
as such. Its tiring hearing the crying.
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Thank you for the 'cry more dude' comment, Now I know where I stand. It's not hard to recognize certain posters that just want to see the site die. If you let them bully your cash crop it's over. You could ban 5 people and have an infinitely better site or you could be liberal
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yeah sorry i dont just ban people, people can say and do what they want including downvote you, Goodnight dogs
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I won't resort to petty awards to respond, goodnight
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Pills: Fucks Feet, Fucks Alot Of Feet, Keeps Fucking Feet, transnormative, Smokes Crack, community builder, meth, dad, Brings Up Feet, fhtagn, autism, WookieLover, WolfGirl, Hates BIPOCs, testing, it seems to work, Fucked To Many Feet, keepeee, memesmith, angst, 2022Bankrupt, E Begging , Suck'd Roach's Dick, Stalks Furries, Human, Esham Lisp
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Let's take a viagra and get weird dude.
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You're a fucking loser. Kippy gives you 100k coins and you turn around and use them against me. Then when i get unbanned you change your name to "I see how it is kippy". Thats passive aggressive beta male bullshit. If you're going to be an asshole dont play a victim afterwards
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