Movie night suggestions.

After i compile some suggestions, ill make a poll

Bugs Thread

Comment here if shit's broken. If I don't see it for a day, pester Kippy about it so he can bitch to me. Link to this thread is in sidebar.


Placeholder cat image because i have nothing but cat photos.

Big ups geezer, big ups greatvalue, big ups soynic, big BIG obese, big ups wookie, big ups Jim, big ups wigwam, big ups 6 sugars, big up bladebot, big ups charles manson, big ups jcupsroofies, big ups anon, big ups bladesnewports, big ups cornbot, big ups oaty, big ups kadeemisbeststreamer, big ups buttsnake, big ups mel and your 1600 alts, big ups whomp, big ups poppillz, big ups nahnah, bigups roachgang, big ups mr lee, big ups the people i accidentally miss here, big ups feet, big ups blades toe, big ups weal kev tv, big ups feeling silly, big ups scamcast, big ups feelings, big ups zobeisity, big ups wumpscut. big down suzy rotten crotch cya.... Big upsi hate whales, big ups aevann and carp who are the same people, big ups pyramidsareboring, big ups rent free, big ups braxton, big ups epicman56, big ups red, big ups ebzebra, big ups smallfeet, big ups s9k, big ups magnus, big ups all fake accounts and all actual streamers who were here ayoooo.



post thumbnail


Whores dont get to just slut around here willy nilly. We have a foot tax. Pay up or die whore



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Apparently comments are broken, will get it fixed asap.



If im interested in a movie someone recommends you get money, do i need to elaborate? Idk dood theres no streams to watch right now help me out. No old shit ive seen, something fresh and new or die



Ive been jotting down some notable ones from recent lit romney streams for awhile now. If anyone has any feel free to post em. Charles was the professional at this

It will no longer be a toggle, where it pops up on the main feed and confuses people with the random messages etc, it will be a hidden hole you gain access to after a certain true score rank is reached. There are going to be two holes i believe aswell, idk about the 3rd bottom tier one yet

One will be the default Splash Mountain at 500 true score to post in, which will just make it so anyone with an active account has access pretty much. Wont be such a manual process anymore.

I also want to have another one set to 15k true score, dont have a name for that one yet. So if you have ideas throw them out. Its just a goofy thing where you strags can post amongst yourselves in a circle jerk if you get enough points. I think that about sums it up.

Here is essentially how the rework is, but will be slightly different here with the other hole being higher requirement and the names being different: https://rdrama.net/h/changelog/post/128768/country-club-rework

edit i have done away with the other tier, its just splash mountain and the true score requirement is now 500 after reviewing the accounts again edit

Show of hands, who would even use the streamer stock market.

Listen i know this place is dead, i dont care. I enjoy adding new shit if the people currently here would use it. Those who are left, take the vote. I've basically compiled what i think we need for it in theory, a lot of which some of you gave ideas for, all i need to do is run it by @Magnus and maybe make some tweaks and toss it back at everyone.