Reported by:
- Rape-survivors-meetup: absolutely to emotional and wet brained for gun ownership
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Really want to get one of these ak pistols. Also want to buy a .22 revolver just for shits.
Aside from that, I could use a good shotgun or a bolt action rifle
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Pic related: it's Sherwin each time I call gofurself2 a pedo
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I'm not going to tell you to kys anymore. I realize it's a low blow even though I still think you deserve everything I said about you. That's all.
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talk to cute girl on tinder past week
flirt with her pretty much all day yesterday
she asks if I'm into 1 night stands
told her I'm not opposed
she says let's do it
say I can't right now because my favorite basketball team is about it play
she says she understands
wake up next day
she unmatched me
Reported by:
- Rape-survivors-meetup: Imagine announcing it like you got a prom date