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What’s the chud theme award do? I’ve never seen the chud theme

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Sure I'll design ur neopets page, send password, credit card and ssn to my DMS. I gotcha

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BIPOC I know you don’t live in the USA. Don’t tell me you’re one of those undocumented immigrants. :marseydoomer:

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I've lived all over homie, i just said ssn out of force of habit from talking to US people lmao

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Imagine talking to people from the USA



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sorry man, we cant all have polite Canadian friends. I gotta take what i can get

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Also assume all Canadians are some form of dune coon and avoid

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All canadians are indians, muslims or chinks change my mind.

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Back in my day they weren’t

We are truly a lost people now

During shutdowns it was like white family consisting of mom, dad, and a child or two at the park


10,000 pajeetis sitting around a small table in the middle of the park cooking on their bylaw banned mini stoves and dumping their garbage everywhere yelling with their 20,000 pajeeti mini-poos running around chasing geese

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That last paragraph, is my experience going to play pokemon go for the first time when it came out at a park in vancouver. Literally just pajeets spewing trash into this dope ass park and cooking on random sketchy bbqs, that is accurate as fuck.

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what club attack

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Assume all non Canadians are some form of BIPOC and avoid

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Generally i lump Australians into that as well but otherwise, accurate

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I don’t mind aussies

They’re based, even the abos

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When i lived in BC for abit, i would always meet aussies coming up to work at the ski resorts. They were always awesome and way more fun to hang out with the fucking boring sjws around there

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