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#1. The wookie has been calling geezerpleazer a pedo for months already. His name used to literally be "geezerpleazer-rapes-babies". The second it gets turned around on him, with legitmate evidence supporting it, he goes into a temper tantrum rage.

#2. As mods we came to the agreement to ban him because the way we saw it, if he stuck around the site was going to die either way.

The issue comes down to his ability of being able to dish it out, but not take it. Hes a cute twink and I have zero respect for him as a shitposter, troll, or member of this community. But if the majority of you guys want him back I am in favor of unbanning him.

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I believe geezer and wookie were giving each other the business the same way me and s9k were. EDIT worse than me and s9k, but you get the point. Both in the wrong IMO. And after the shit I seen (and I'm sure I missed a bunch too) you and wookie post towards each other I dont blame you for having harsh feelings but I respect that you're willing to go with the general consensus even if it may not be what you'd prefer....real one.

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thats the thing, i never had any beef with the wookie at all. He actually used to like and respect me until he rage quit over the pizza award. Ever since then hes been trying desperately to bait me into doing something stupid.

Just know that Im always down to hand out a whomping


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gayzezr always restarts this battle as he has for fkn 3 yrs - stalker weirdo - kys BIPOCs 4 missing this

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My main concern is the alleged photo he posted. Was it indeed provocative? If so the rest should be null anyway, sexualization of minors is a big big big no I’d say for the vast majority of us

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see for yourself. Page 34 or something in the modlogs

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Not sure I want to look, but by the sounds of it that should have been enough alone to at least warrant a 2+ week shadow ban

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