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Finally unblocked @Sherwin, pic related is his mom after she shuts off the circuit breakers to stop him from finding his way down the stairs from his empty attic

@Shhhhhooooooshwin youre unblocked now BIPOC

Was only meant to last 10 mins but I didnt want to walk 10 feet to my Fed computer to unblock you. Didnt even want to put in the effort tonight but might not have time from my real job (because we cant all just be beaten by our Botswanan mother in the attic we live in rent free on her dime all day, so I wanted you to have your freedom back so you can seethe a little bit)

PS -- thank you for changing your name for me. That was a real G move. Ive never even triggered the Wookie @G that much. He usually just quits the site for a few weeks.

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@G seethe harder and downvote my comments again Reeeeee

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He gets off on this make him seethe any harder and he’ll legit make a mess of the board

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Stop Talking to yourself

Stop Talking to yourself

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Joined at SaidIt btw make up your mind ngrbrain


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Yo, donate a thousand and we’re gonna.. we’re gonna fuckin’ rape some bitches.


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