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yeah and the post didn't make sense, i even commented on it, he didnt threaten to ban me t least but it was stupid.

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I've been playing a lot of mind games with him recently. As a result his schizophrenia has reached new levels. They even unbanned one of my alts lol!

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If the only things anyone did were things people paid them to do, the only things that would ever get done are the things the wealthy find profitable. What a sad world that would be.

Some of us volunteer at parks.

Some of us volunteer at soup kitchens.

Some of us volunteer advice and knowledge.

Is this really that much different?

Yeah, Reddit is a for-profit company. It's still worth it to volunteer moderation duties to ensure that people have a corner to discuss and debate without having to worry about bullies. Sure, it would be nice to get a free subscription to Premium or something, but that's not going to be the main motivation.

I use uBlock Origin. This is my way of paying back the site. Well, that and all the awards I give away or generate.

And believe you me, I very much enjoy moderating bullies and keeping vulnerable populations safe from their bullying. Clicking "ban" on some random racist so they can't call someone names? Ohhhh that's payment enough.


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