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The real reason Aldy is so angry at me should be obvious. I already talked it out with Goocheese, its between her and I. But he's the one who can't stop doxxing his fellow streamers, he also doxxed Goocheese that night and I used those doxx to try and save her. I was new to IP2, fresh as a daisy, had no idea about the rules and that she wasn't going to commit suicide. But she forgave me, yet the fact that I used Aldy's doxx that night to 5150 is something Aldy is worried about. In a sense I'm his dirty laundry.

Now if Aldy would just let this go, i'd shut up about it. Its really as simple as that.

For those who have any doubt that Aldy is the doxxer, give the following some thought:

How is it that every streamer got doxxed, *except *for Aldy?

How is it Aldy never ever gets raided by Suzy Rottencrotch and the Incel Army?

And last but not least:

Compare the old Aldy raids and the nicknames he uses to raid people to the other raids with the doxxing, they are the exact same nicknames. Compare them especially to the old Hanzo streams where they where trying to get Hanzo arrested. I was a mod for Hanzo, I was a mod for Goocheese and I even was a mod for Aldy for a long time. I did those raids with him, I know these nicks, they are identical until recently when he changed them, knowing I found them out.

When I confronted him about using Suzy Rottencrotch' name he said "why would I do that, I HATE the bitch" yeah, that would be the reason why you use her name for that same doxxing. I really found out Aldy's doxxing ways when one day I kept an eye out on a stream where he was passed out. I just waited for the doxxing to start on other streams, and sure enough he got up, sat outside of the stream so he wasn't on camera, I heard him use his keyboard and sure enough the doxxing began on based surfers channel. Its like clockwork.

I know this is a long rant but these are just all the facts, check them all out yourself. You can either believe me or not, I truly don't give a shit, but this is the guy you let self promote himself trough over 9000 socks on here. He's scum, he's a backstabber and he needs to own up to the shit he did. I owned up to the shit I did Aldy, whats your excuse?

The weird thing is he claims i'm angry, i'm not. I actually like the guy asides from his stupid antics, but he needs to come clean and just knock the doxxing shit off. Other than that i'm fine with the lad. I don't hate him despite how he's coping, seething and dilating about me. I'd even make up right now with him, but I know that for these reasons he won't. He's painted himself in a corner he can't get out of, and I guess you picked a fight with the wrong guy, Aldy/

It can all blow over today, if need be, if you just shut your holes. Because I have more dirt on you than a broom and unlike you I don't have a big mouth, I just get the job done. Whatever it is, however dirty it is. You caused this, little man. Oh and move out of your mommies house, be a man for once in your life.

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Nobody gonna ready that cute twink an i never gave u goocheese addy wake up keep crying old fart

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like i said, child, lets meet. what are you afraid of? i'm an old fart, right?

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Ur a pussy why cant u come to cali without begging for money nobody wants to meet u nobody likes u u ruined urself after calling on goo then spreading lies like a sperg u dont deserve anything

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