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There was a clipper that was mod before and his name was feelingsilly, you couldn't hold a candle to him cute twink.

@feelingsilly might not like me, but the dude was one of the best clippers IP2 had and definitely was the most unbiased jannie there. TurdMasterGay is some newstrag that doesn't know shit about the community.

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At this point it is my belief that IP2's active userbase is now mostly full of people from reddit/twitter/kiwifarms. as a result of this, being remotely passionate like Curd means you will get absolutely bodied time and time again for it, You can NOT have fun. you are not allowed to show any kind of enjoyment from IP2 because they want it destroyed. The only thing Curd did wrong is be excited to be back after a week. I can't hate on Curd, He might be an autistic Goo Simp or playing friendsimulator behind the scenes, but he seems to actually care about capturing GOOD content, It's the other mods that are sitting around while ip2 declines and becomes filled with LARPing, undercover CUTE TWINKS and Glowies

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My issue is that he thinks he's the only clipper that became a janitor, when feelingsilly (imo one of the all time clippers) and a couple others have already been before him which he seems to have completely ignored. That probably rubbed me the wrong way lol.

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yea that's fair, I'm mainly referring to the many, many posts on the other site.

for the record, i dont think he should've been elevated to moderator. his unique autism works for funny titles and clips but for handling moderation issues it's gonna cause problems.

IP2 user asks why he got banned:


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should've been elevated to moderator. of fucking course

consider whom modded him, all fgts and simps...imagine posting on this bastard version of Ip2

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god damn right

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Tequila and whore hype.


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