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you think the jews didn't make up the black pill you fucking retards no girls cares about facial bones in the real world I AM TALKING ABOUT IRL IN REAL LIFE

listen you wetbrains just look a bin laden he talks to girls for 2 sec and runs away and calls himself an incel but in reality he is just coping with the black pill the black jew pill wetard nikkabrain

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i am actually based

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i am a real american

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mods pin this essay

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@IncelBinLaden deal with the truth youre scared of girls in real life and you cope its okay

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Yeah... I should never relax around femasites irl... They literally hate bald manlets. Cops will get called if I don't run away.

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i know youre years into the black pill brainwashing but i am trying to tell you that the jews came up with the black pill brother dont listen to feds on youtube and on incel forums they want you to neck yourself and never reproduce

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Tell me the magical Aramaic incantations that will bring me a tall virgin wife with good genes.

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your obsessed with genes how about you wife up a whale and get kids

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So I can have genetic trash sons who will rope under chad's oppression and die worthless wageslaves? Daughters would be even worse.

I'm Sicilian anyway, you don't want people like me carrying on the Aryan race anyway.

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i dont care about the Aryan race cope and you talk like a brainwashed fool you dont want to have kids because poor genetic do you think anyone in old times would say this? no they would just fuck and have kids

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you have to go to a pakistani tribe to get a virgin wife so do that

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easier said than done

fuck that, it's over... no virgins in America.

Imagine wanting chad's toilet as the mother of your children... Better to rise against Pharaoh than to produce subhuman slaves for him.

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we got a bad spawn in life but we need to be fruitful and multiply if youre not preching this youre doing the devil's work like it or not

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Good thing I'm so autistic and weird that even obese goblinas don't want me... Yeah, I tried and failed. Soverbro, sorrym8.

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dont neck yourself just change for the better

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How big are your tits?

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All da gurls care bout mah facial bones

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