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While I'm a little drunk, I figured and I seem to be the only one around at the moment. I think I should address OUR network and my vision as a community member.

Let me first say this entire community no matter where you are is a degenerate community. We watch junkies, homeless people, beggars an entire host of degenerate behavior. We point and laugh, some troll their chats. Some shit post and meme about them. But this community, not PCmemes was born and lives on in degeneracy. This genre has been "dying" for years yet it still is some how still standing.

I saw the splash mountain post last night, but me and Jcup were going nuts having a great time shit posting and that's what we are about. Having laughs together. Even an IP2 mod recently pointed out that we focus more on our community than the live streamers. And we do, I come here to see you guys. I think a lot of us do. We have to entertain ourselves, because nothing interesting is happening. You realize IP2 failed with their network "Changes" because they sort of didn't take in to account, all these "suggestions" on people to add, really didn't amount to nothing. Every new streamer they added besides Incel totally sucks. And people still complain remove this one, remove that one. Well their community that does have more members than us hasn't found replacements or has given shitty suggestions. How the hell are they going to dismantle their network? if not scripted removing Chicken was a fucking bold move (still think it's scripted but you never know) . You think Ali Jamal, or that homeless cute twink they added will save the community? No I agree with them abandoning that idea. And can't blame the mods, blame the people that got in their heads that they have better options than they currently have. Their hands are tied because at the end of the day, they compete with Scamcast, and if they fuck up to bad. All the traffic is his. I'm sure by now they noticed. We aren't part of .network at this point either we are just PCmemes.

This is where I feel we add value. Let's start with my vision for porn. I'm not looking to stroke off with you guys. Obviously some dimes are going to be on the network, nothing wrong with a hot chick but lets face it the dimes, are a dine a dozen now. But my goal is to seek out the freaks of nature, the 2022 Miss EB's, the ones that will dance like monkeys when we invade their chats. The ones we can send a few bucks to, to watch them take a dump in a bucket. Eww that's gross. No it's degeneracy just in a different form same as speeding pissing in his own mouth. We aren't looking to compete with pornhub, I feel like we are trying to find Internet Mexican Donkey shows. I want to be shocked, not turned on. I want some chick to make us laugh using a pickle jar and enthusiasm while engaging us in chat, I see nothing wrong with that. You realize we can go back to using old ass trolls, Like please say happy birthday to my brother Nick Gurrs. Silly shit man but the classics never die.

Youtube is really clamping down hard on people like us, and banning the shit we really find funny. I think we have to stop looking for the next Smooth Sanchez. these guys are one offs we can wait for years for something like that to happen. And honestly If you haven't noticed. Most, well over 90% of new streamers that think they are cut out for this. Quit within a month or two. And the ones that stick around end up being part of the e beggar, scripted content. friend simulator group and become worthless.

So moving forward, I believe the network should be well rounded. A little bit of everything. Because if we sit on our hands we will have nothing. Or something I can just click on .win to see. Soynic made the argument, we should be seeking quality, not quantity. That works great for us as far as people that post here, the community and the friendships we have developed over the years even though they are internet ones.

But as far as the network goes. If we all work together, and we toss as much shit up on the wall (network) something has to stick. Let's do our best that's all we can all ask for. Add, Remove, add remove. I promise we will have to hold a lot of L's to get a few W's. That's just how it works.

And listen our network will be a clickable button on the sidebar. If you don't want to use or participate in it don't click the button. I see quite a few of us, posting on both boards. No one takes that shit personal. It's understandable we both offer different things. And so should our networks. Just have faith that we as a community will hopefully figure it out and find our own place in the community network game.


Community member

PS Wookie is right, I'm a long winded cute twink sorry.

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Thank you for the pc-essay. I agree, we need some fun people who wont beg nonstop. Most of all, the community is what keeps it alive. Being able to hopeina chat and forget about whatever stresses w have in our shitty lives.


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You and @IncelBinLaden are our newest members. So I don't know how much of our lore you know or don't know. But if you look at our posts. The Braxton and Baked Alaska war really defined this group. And we all can reflect back to those days and say. Man we had a fucking great time, we were tossing body blows 24/7 and had an absolute blast doing it. We were the underdogs that refused to bend, and we did it while laughing our asses off doing it. We all brought our own styles together to make this community unique.

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Thats what makes it beautiful. I havent gotten deep into the lore, but I have enough to get a general gist and its great

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The will of chat expressed in this post.

We will rise.

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Can I see your tits?

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  • I'm not looking to stroke off with you guys

  • The ones we can send a few bucks to, to watch them take a dump in a bucket.

  • I feel like we are trying to find Internet Mexican Donkey shows.

  • I want some chick to make us laugh using a pickle jar and enthusiasm while engaging us in chat

This Is Why Your Wife Won't Let You Spend Your Own Money.

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Lore alert, Sal runs a tight ship.

But yeah, I guess that's why lmao. But it's also what brought me to this doorstep.

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