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Tangent on lefty strags: Fuck BIPOCs

It never amazes me the lack of rigorous thought in lefty strags and their inability to have a logical conversation without relativistically changing their basis from point to point. There is a political activist trying to promote democrats (belligerently) for all gov positions. Everyday this week I tried to have a conversation. Everytime we got somewhere the person was pussy foot and tried to dodge the conversation. Finally, today another person was there and I was able to coax bim into a conversation after goading the person that has been there all week.

They brought up supporting democrats because they want "basic" human rights.

They mentioned healthcare as one. I them asked "them how is that basic? It is derived from a higher order society and cannot be generalized as an inherent right for base humans." I then used first world country and a third world country as an example. How would it be basic when it is impossible to have in both societies, the person then tried to say "the terms first world and third world shouldnt be used" or some b.s. and I immediatley countered with it is a term to identify different technological, economic, and governmental standards (lol bitch gtfo with you damn lefty domination of language). After that i then used base humans in nature and how humans existed before society. Is it basic then? Of course not. Then this loser said " how can we compare to thousands of years ago? I countered using his own definition of "basic" and then proceeded to use cryptocurrency and quantum computing, which was a bad analogy but i shoot from the hip in situations like that, and the proceeded to ignore me and talk with sl.e rando who came at a perfect time. I bid them farewell and got cold treatment from booty hurt all weeker and a bye from the other guy.

They were telling me how I was asking "loaded" questions hypocritically while they spouted "loaded" responses. They have all this implicit concepts inherent in their political thought, but when you question the implicits all of the sudden it is loaded. The use non-stop emotions and pathos based arguments to avoid critical thinking and reasoning. It disgusts me. This is one of the many reasons why lefties and righties have low impulse control for topics they avoid critical thinking on. I also find it funny how the booty hurt all weeker said "we arent trying to have political and theoretical conversations, just promote democrat politicians." Is this not the same camp that advocates "uncomfortable conversations" amd having conversations that are untouched? I told her "if you are going to advocate politics you should be open to these conversations. I will continue asking questions thank you." Bid her farewell, and left. Thats the end. Not a journal, just tangent.

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