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No but you can make a post with an image and people will be able to comment.

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do people even want that? most dont seem to care

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I agree, most don't care. Probably because you came in anonymous and your only intention is to smear Feelingsarereal. At this point we all feel like this is behind us now that we have our real home. We may still meme about it because its in our history but the situation is unfixable. neighbors here ain't never going back to ip2 so whats the use?

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yea I agree. and I figured as much. only did it because he is just so full of shit. and was frequently banning everyone here and harassing admins to platform ban everyone here. so its funny he tries to cozy up to everyone here. never would have came at all had he not been a scumbag with leaking that chang had been helping us with technical shit. he has rambled non stop bs here for weeks now. 95% every post he makes is a lie or half truth. when he left and quit his only beef was with paleo. yet he started to talk tons of shit on us. when he never had the balls to say anything directly. and we had ignored it the whole time. had he not been a lying snake and chose to just post here..without lying and talking a bunch of shit/lies about us. nobody would have came over. most hilarious part is him trying to come off as some hero who he alone stopped TRS for coming back. when nearly every mod ended up agreeing about it. and had nothing to do with getting TRS to change his twitter to no ip2 affiliation.

the most bothering thing is months ago he was so adamant against a mass unban. was always so adamant about never lowering perma bans or giving second chances. days before he quit he gave a perma to meatwallettongue for a minor infraction and then freemax switched it to 3 days which made him upset and he disagreed with that. so it was back to a perma and now that hes gone the guy is unbanned. was so adamant about the admins needing to ban all the users here off the whole platform every time they made a new account. then goes here trying to be buddy buddy. he is the one who talked non stop shit daily. not the other way around. just thought it was funny and that it should be exposed. nothing else worth saying/doing. due to others wanting nothing else to be said. will leave it fully alone. the point got across. so just going to log out and leave it be

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I made one comment about not doing a mass unban and you're acting like I spammed not to. You guys are super triggered I'm telling the truth. I've even provided screen caps for almost everything I've said. How can you say I'm lying when I've literally provided proof lol..

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