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would take a long ass time to do

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I was desperately trying to comment this .gif

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Sup logic?

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Sup bruh - dont mind my alt

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@liarliar so you're obviously an ip2 mod to have this access....first and foremost my question to you is why is it so important to you to expose a former mod but seemingly not important to you at all to PUBLICLY step forward and address the heavy censorship that has steadily increased over the last year or so? Serious're anonymous here, please answer.

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we have been much more lenient with bans. and have no doubt a mass unban could even be done to makeup for any mistakes.

chose to expose him just because everything hes said is a fucking lie. and is just hilarious he was the main one banning all the people here, main one against a mass unban, main one harassing paleo to platform ban all the users here. then tries to cozy up to the very same people

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Yeah I get exposing the neighbor, that's (at least should be) standard practice around here when neighbors are playing both sides while pitting the community against each other.

But the bans....its not just the bans, its the overall censorship. Even if the bans have lightened up the censorship is heavier than ever with post removals, comment removals, shadow banning, and logical openly threatening to ban users over petty bullshit that don't come anywhere near breaking the rules.

Why hasn't there been one single mod to openly address this with the community as a whole?

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only censorship there is is the karma filter. because there was no other way to stop doxxing, gore etc without it. being how easy and fast it is to make a new account

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So it seems like you're unwilling to admit any wrongdoing on the mods side and not acknowledging the censorship being imposed by logicaloperator. I guess there's no reason to even continue this conversation. Thanks for popping in tho.

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how are comment replied made open? all i did was make the post. tell me how to open up comments

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We're just realizing that an update that was just made screwed something up and users cannot respond to text only posts.

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anyway i can change it?

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No but you can make a post with an image and people will be able to comment.

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well just recently there was a clear agreement between every mod. that going forward shit isn't removed unless its a bad rule violation like doxxing

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2 late BIPOC

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Funny how he didn't include all things he's done and all the millions of bans and filters he's set up

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No mods openly stepped forward to the benefit of the community while still in the mod position so the only reasonable answer is they all had their hands in it.

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100% I admit I did ban some accounts here and there but I've also provided proof of everything and made things as clear as possible. Trying to expose me for doing that average ip2 mode job is rather funny. Must have read my comments yesterday and are still triggered

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liar is probably sonof:marseytrain:888

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wait what? how are comments opened? dont think I did because there is people replying in the post

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  • []( So you're obviously an ip2 mod to have this access....first and foremost my question to you is why is it so important to you to expose a former mod but seemingly not important to you at all to PUBLICLY step forward and address the heavy censorship that has steadily increased over the last year or so)
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