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lol you're mean. i try not to throw around pedo accusations for no reason. he might be a degenerate but so is everyone else in the community. i think he'll probably stream for maybe a few more days and then drop out. his home life seems like hell and i really do feel bad for him. i used to always fight with my mom about taking meds. it's so dumb, it's a waste of time and it fucks your body up. it's unnatural. he needs to figure it out how to deal with it on his own at this age. i have faith that he won't turn out to be a doxing POS or cp poster. the guy just needs help, and not from his mother.

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you're right, I shouldn't call him a pedo until it's proven

And I agree with you. Psychotropic drugs fuck people up, they literally create mass shooters

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i was on them for almost my whole life, i was pretty bad at taking them consistently, that's a common problem with bipolar people. when i was about 20 or 21 i decided enough was enough. recently my mom actually told me that she regrets putting me on them. i get it tho, when your kid is out of control, seeing shit that isn't there, barely functioning, it's like what else can you do? personally i wouldn't put my child on them but only bc i know the outcome. i wish more people would realize that big pharma bullshit isn't the answer. sorry for the novel lol :facepalm: emoji

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I hate big pharma with a passion. I learned pretty quickly with my own health problems that something was wrong with that industry. Its a giant cash grab to siphon our money and keep us sick. I went down the rabbit hole of natural healing and now i believe almost any disease can be cured by following a strict alkaline diet and doing long intervals of fasting. People are so brainwashed by the industry, it takes a deep resentment and a lot of pain and suffering to finally wake up and realize a little pill isn't the answer to anybodies health problems.

Unless I need sometype of emergency surgery or emergency antibiotics I'll never go to a doctor again

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i feel you, much respect. that's basically exactly what i believe at this point. you gotta go the natural route. i'd say that the majority of doctors are only in it for the money. like you said, they want you sick. i honestly think it's a worldwide conspiracy to dull the masses and keep them easily controllable. it's not normal to be mentally ill or take pharmaceuticals, regardless of what the tv and internet try to tell you. you gotta break that mindset and start looking into holistic and natural healing instead. diet is such a big part of it, i've changed mine some, it's not nearly alkaline at all lol but i was severely underweight and malnourished for a long time. changing what i ate and opening my mind to the idea that food is actually good for you helped me sooo much. and same, i'm not going to any doctor unless it's a full out emergency. i had covid for two weeks, just now feeling better. never got tested or needed a doctor, but others around me did and tested positive. i've lost my sense of smell and taste. i was worried i'd get a sinus or chest infection and have to take antibiotics, i fucking hate antibiotics and i won't take them until i know my body can't do it. fuck doctors, fuck big pharma, and fuck brainwashed cute twinks who preach about this shit as if it's normal.

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Yes baby, show me your butthole. The AMA was set up by the Rockefeller and the jew who monopolized the steel industry (i cant recall his name). they had no medical knowledge just wanted to profit off sick people. Definitely a massive conspiracy.

Computerslime reccomended me some oregano oil from a specific herbal company. I bought it and started taking it when I was developing cold symptoms. It stopped it right in its tracks, I was seriously impressed. I let my mom borrow it and she has the same experience. I can drop the link if you're interested

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elite jews are the fucking devil. subversive, money grubbing pieces of shit who would relish in watching the world burn.

foreal? i wasn't really taking anything, i tried some airborne when it was first coming on. idk how much that stuff really helps, i used to swear by it but maybe shit like that acts as a placebo. drop the link, might be good to have on hand the next time someone here gets sick.

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i did an internship to eventually become a case manager and i can tell you a thousand things about how shady the mental health institution goes to work and how they don't give a single fuck about the patients and use them as test animals. it was an in-house healthcare for young adults with psychosis or heavy depression and they came there with complaints and it just got worse and worse, saw semi happy people turn into zombies slowly and pharmaceuticals system is the worst even when a patient doesn't need pills he must get it by the doctor or else he would get removed because without any medication it wouldn't be a a real treatment and you were asked to get treatment somewhere else, a girl was forced to choose between antipsychotics or antidepressants by the psychiatric doctor, he literally open his left and right hand and in a threatening way said this or that and if you don't take any of these medication you could go get treatment elsewhere, Those fuckker get paid by how much patients they shamelessly medicated I quit that day with my internship and education and went to work in the demolition site of my uncle and was incredibly relieved and happy not to have to deal with those devils anymore. really feel sorry for the people who go there with the best intention but most just get worse and more insecure and also dependent on unnecessary mental healthcare for life only people with mild complaints re-enter society and the rest remain in purgatory

I'm glad you found out about that fuckery quickly and understand how that crooked system works and its the same everywhere

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that actually sounds like a lot of places i've been. the good old nut hut. also have done partial hospitalization. the first place i went was for children, i was 11. this fat BIPOC who basically just got paid to babysit told us "you kids come here and you always come back." i've never forgotten how fucked up that was and how sad it made me. that was the worst place i went to, some really disturbing shit happened there. and i know all about the forced meds, that's all they want. you have maybe 3 group sessions a day then the rest of the time you're just sitting around waiting to talk to the doctor. last time i was there was in 2015, i realized it was a mistake and wanted to leave AMA. the doctor said "well if you do that im just going to make you stay here longer" i guess by saying i'm at risk and can't make decisions lol. it was over 1k a day to do nothing, thank god i had good insurance back then. seems like they just wanna keep you there as long as possible to collect more money. it's a racket. i wish i never took meds at all or wasted time at so called hospitals. i really admire that you decided not to go that route, based af. you seem like a genuinely caring, funny, upbeat person and being around all that would certainly take a toll on you. glad you found something else and we still have the geezerpleaser we know today.

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hat was the worst place i went to, some really disturbing shit happened there. and i know all about the forced meds, that's all they want. you have maybe 3 group sessions a day then the rest of the time you're just sitting around waiting to talk to the doctor.

exactly the same shit happened there with some useless group therapy's and senior retirement home-like activities with group dinner etc

worst part was when it was time to move back home again, most didn't last for three days or more because they were used to being institutionalized

most disturbing time I have experienced in my life and the people who work there come with good intention but stay only for the monthly paycheck and make speed up time by making the work as easy as possible for them selfs

I'm glad that you came out of that system not completely mentally broken like most people who experienced that, because most just don't get out and get stuck in that toxic charlatan institute , especially if you go there at a young age

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most times even the food is like a retirement home, or jail. i was detoxing off opiates so they said i was a fall risk and wouldn't let me go to the cafeteria or even make a request, it was total ass. so many people were just lingering there until they could get into residential treatment. i've always felt like what's the point of that or places like sober-living houses, especially when they stay there for years. you gotta learn to exist and function in the real world. a handful of staff seemed to care and were nice to talk to, after a while tho they gotta be burnt out. i'm just blessed to have supportive, understanding parents who've come around themselves. otherwise i could've ended up in a tommy situation lol.

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i may still read this my lady

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