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The Wookie over a slice of pizza, Jimmy because of a hammer & now pyramids because of grass.

People equating us to 8th graders fighting are giving us A LOT of credit, we are more like 8 year olds high on red cordial.

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the continued development of the awards system will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject shitposters to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the pcm community, it will probably lead to great social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in "well adjusted" shitposters.

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All I want for my birthday (it's in a week btw 😉) is to get Marsey'd...

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I enjoyed it. Almost considered just moving to my alt permanently. At least there’s no gayBIPOC karma requirement here.

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I don’t get the pizza thing

I missed that whole saga, someone pizza’d my alt and I figured it was just some retarded zoomer meme but obviously I missed something

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If you want the quick typed rundown:

Geezerpleazer was fucking with wookie. I gave wookie pizza. Wookie went ballistic. Wookie went to shithole & became a groyper for a week. Now he's back (I think).

Or watch these & figure it out homie.

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This still makes zero sense to me, I just don’t get the whole pizza thing, maybe I’m just old

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Nothing a little antifreeze in a hot dog can’t fix

That’s how your mother went out, you know

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My mom was a gold diggin whore who was murdered by some rich white guy, rightfully so. Wouldnt be surprised if thats how he got her. She loved choking down some wieners. RIP mom

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The fact you had to mention the guy was white is setting off my BIPOC detector.



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Nice try no, i just had to specify that she wasnt chasing BIPOC cock. Just rich white cock, she wasnt tryna fuck NBA BIPOCs and shit, had to make sure there was some respect on my mas name

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Alright i'll let you pass this time...

Also my Dad did the same thing & ended up "drowning"........ MIND YOU he was chasing a rich coconut BIPOC islander with fat tits.

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Relaxed too hard, he figured it out the hard way.

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Granted he deserved it.... He left my blonde haired/blue eyed mother for a BIPOC....

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100%. That falls under cruel and unusual punishment imo, thats like some geneva convention shit.

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Imagine if he pulled that stunt in the good 'ol days.

He'd still be alive just without his manhood.... Which reminds me, he was drunk one night & i dared him to tattoo mums name on his dick so he did it.....

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Basketball Americans*

Women like them because they smell like basketball leather and dollar bills

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Pitbull ❤️


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Honestly i think theyre cute dogs, the only reason i cant stand them is because i had this ex way back who was obsessed with them and her pitbulls were miserable fuck heads who would attack you just going in the front door and they almost never locked them up. Fuckin idiot family lol

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White women love two things:

Shitbulls and fucking dogs.

Pithags are the worst.

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And that is the goddamn truth dude.. read it in the Bible dude.. genesis 3:16 you’re poor fuck you. I saw it In the Bible.. not being crude.. but.. like if you think blades not good. I remember reading this verse in the Bible. I remember your cute twink ass was like trying to make sure you were good and you weren’t.. and you were like “oh my god.. I hope.. I hope that I’m ok.. I hope that both my cute twink fathers don’t molest me.. and then you’re like ok.. so I’m going to read the Bible..” and you lick your fingers like a fucking fruitcake to spread the pages.. and you realize you’re not as good as me. Let’s take a shot for those cute twinks. My streamlabs is fatter than your mom. Exactly


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