
999977245857688 coins 1771775 marseybux 594 followers follows 12 users joined 2021 October 29

Based Count: 70

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Awards received

x23 x3 x12 x24 x10 x82 x1 x1 x13 x16 x7 x17 x95 x3 x1 x1 x14 x26 x2 x1 x1 x9 x1 x2 x1 x19 x12 x1 x3 x14 x16 x12 x1 x1 x12 x1 x4

User ID: 1592

Coins spent: 1348472

True score: 33512

Winnings: -995813083

54 / 952 hats owned (5.7%)

Benefactor Bug Chaser Low Roller Sigma User Verified Email Fart-Free Lottery Winner VAXXMAXXED 1 Year Old 🥰 Amateur Hathead Just One More Hand It's Over A Minor Setback Little Big Spender Fish Big Spender Big Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Pro Goombler Lil Goombler King Goombler Marsey Award Alt-Seeing Eye All-Seeing Eye Unblockable Rich Bich
999977245857688 coins 1771775 marseybux 594 followers follows 12 users
Based count: 70
joined 2021 October 29

Awards received

x23 x3 x12 x24 x10 x82 x1 x1 x13 x16 x7 x17 x95 x3 x1 x1 x14 x26 x2 x1 x1 x9 x1 x2 x1 x19 x12 x1 x3 x14 x16 x12 x1 x1 x12 x1 x4
Benefactor Bug Chaser Low Roller Sigma User Verified Email Fart-Free Lottery Winner VAXXMAXXED 1 Year Old 🥰 Amateur Hathead Just One More Hand It's Over A Minor Setback Little Big Spender Fish Big Spender Big Big Spender Big Big Big Spender Le Rich Gentlesir Pro Goombler Lil Goombler King Goombler Marsey Award Alt-Seeing Eye All-Seeing Eye Unblockable Rich Bich

User ID: 1592

Coins spent: 1348472

True score: 33512

Winnings: -995813083

54 / 952 hats owned (5.7%)

wait what lol

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What if the abuse is really my kink and not the feet? :marseythinkorino:

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I got way too vivid of a picture of a manpon taking flight, thank you cornbot<3

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The feet are keeping this ship afloat, never forget that :marseychinesedevil:

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Splash Mountain
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Splash Mountain
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Splash Mountain
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Splash Mountain
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marked on the project board

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no it smells good

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I inhale welding fumes and metal shavings all day, i think ill be okay it completes the tri-force of carcinogens

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damn rip

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Im very familiar with modelling programs, its a resin printer if that means anything

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oh shit i totally forgot about that... THANKS. Not that i'd do that, thats super illegal and shit

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and you shouldnt care, doing things right ayoo

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Nothing has changed lol it's been the exact same since day one except raised more because you guys dont compress anything and kept bitching so we made the benefactor award do abit more for those that had them. However no one seems to buy and give those awards out to each other which means you have lower upload limits. It's not our fault you are all a bit slow. Last I'll be saying on the issue, I rarely login anymore anyway lol.

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Based and crybaby pilled

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ohey neighbor, hope you are well

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your original name is reserved anytime you want to change it back, you can go into your settings and change it to whatever youd like. No one can take the other name you last had

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meant to type it as a normal comment not a reply lmao, we all retarded round these parts dont you know?

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rofl yall are retarded

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what are u talking abwout retard, u have literawwy the highest amwount of bandwidth available two cwompared two mwost peopwe. Gwo swodwomize ywourself, website is alweady dead whwo cares

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Idk I was under the impression it was back to normal lol

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use your words

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