
🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user joined 2021 October 29

Based Count: 15

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

Awards received

x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

Moderator of


User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

🍔🇷🇺 Король негров 🇷🇺🤴🏿

28 coins 0 marseybux 1 follower follows 1 user
Based count: 15
joined 2021 October 29

King of the Crunchy little Chevron Niggers

Awards received

x2 x1 x2 x2 x2 x1 x1 x4 x1 x1 x1 x2 x5 x1

Moderator of

Verified Email Alt-Seeing Eye Lottery Winner 1 Year Old 🥰 A Minor Setback

User ID: 1594

Coins spent: 1250

True score: 6462

Winnings: -119597

0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)

@Shhhhhooooooshwin youre unblocked now BIPOC

Was only meant to last 10 mins but I didnt want to walk 10 feet to my Fed computer to unblock you. Didnt even want to put in the effort tonight but might not have time from my real job (because we cant all just be beaten by our Botswanan mother in the attic we live in rent free on her dime all day, so I wanted you to have your freedom back so you can seethe a little bit)

PS -- thank you for changing your name for me. That was a real G move. Ive never even triggered the Wookie @G that much. He usually just quits the site for a few weeks.

Call the Wookie’s bf he’s crying


Barely posted in weeks BTW still the Wookie’s second favourite person btw, straglords.


Roll in this thread: Every win is a point for Russia, every loss is a point for Ukraine.

Don’t be a cute twink.


Still the BIPOC King. You’re all a bunch of Biden loving, Ukrainian worshipping BIPOCs.


Just linked up with my boys, working on a new music project. Help me choose a name for my band.
Day 1 of me being wrong — ScamCast edition


Day 2 of reminding you Jammin is the head mod here
Lmao real ones have a memory beyond 3 weeks hahahahha
Rainbow 6 Extraction, anyone play? Looking for a non dogshit team mate
She has even less titties than her Denino days. Wtf? Is she regressing to full-on Boy mode?
@KYSBIPOCs this one’s dedicated to you lil bruises :( that very moment makes any man’s pecker feel big

Fuck off BurgerBroyo you’re even less relevant than @KYSBIPOCs but at least he’s entertaining

You haven’t had a muscle to flex since PyramidsAreCool ragequit as moppy boy, sit down little bruises