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User ID: 1993
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True score: 78
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User ID: 1993
Coins spent: 0
True score: 78
Winnings: 0
0 / 952 hats owned (0.0%)
Looks like the MOOV atom is fucked. You can fix that with +faststart from FFMpeg, but no idea how you'd do it with chrome's API
Cool shit regardless. Biggest thing we need now is an actual stable website to upload to. This pomf website lags like crazy
The crop part would require decoding, and re-encoding, which would be heavy and slow especially if you're trying to retain quality.
Might as well just use OBS if you're going to manually record your screen. Then you'd be able to take advantage of changing encoder settings, or using a more optimal encoder like Nvidia's.
No it was originally coded by some weird mormon guy from AF. Then he got mad at Baked and quit. I found a bunch of exploits on the website and fixed them for loulz then left because the AF people are weirdos. Now he's got a dev team working on the website trying to expand it into something much bigger.
Multiple new cancer treatments come out pretty much annually. It's just incredibly difficult to target JUST cancer cells, without wrecking havoc on other cells since there's such an abundant amount of different cells that act similar to cancer. On top of that, there's hundreds of different types of cancer, that cannot be treated the same way. When you hear "chemo", it doesn't pertain to a single drug, but rather a collection. And many times, that collection consists of many newly developed drugs.
Look at a lot of the promising research regarding Immunotherapy and human-made viruses targeting cancer cells.
I don't troll with these sort of things. Nobody wants their shit fingerprinted u weird BIPOCs
- Scroll down the page = LOAD MORE CONTENT. Having to press a button to view the next page is so tiresome
- Do the same shit you do with videos on image posts. Just open it below. Having a popup is once more tiresome because you need to close it.
The website has a lot of cool features, but isn't very user friendly.
Yup we all scrape. The API is extremely lacking, and inaccurate for whatever reason. Also meta feed tends to be delayed.
Only thing you need to be careful with is how aggressive you are with scraping. Do it too much and they'll suspend your IP for some time.
Get a bunch of actual crackheads, and have them battle over $5. No Blade means your RV trip will be a snooze fest. Crackhead gladiator on the other hand is new and refreshing.
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